MUMBAI: Actor Nushrratt Bharuccha on Tuesday announced the wrap of her upcoming horror film ‘Chhorii 2’. Taking to Instagram, Nushrratt shared a picture which she captioned, “Peek-a-boo!!! Where are you?!#Chhorii2 Film Wrap! Are u ready for it ???.”
In the picture, Nushrratt could be seen scared and locked up in a room. Soon after she dropped the post, fans flooded the comment section with red heart and fire emoticons.
“Waiting for it,” a fan commented.
Another fan wrote, “Can’t wait mam.”
Helmed by Vishal Furia ‘Chhorii’ streamed exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video and received positive responses from the audience. Apart from Nushrratt, ‘Chhorii 2’ also stars Soha Ali Khan in the lead role.
Nushrratt, who will return to play the role of the protagonist, Sakshi, earlier said, “I am over the moon with the amazing reactions and success that Chhorii has met with! Chhorii was a significant departure from the work I had previously been a part of and to see the risk being rewarded is such a great feeling. Chhorii is a passion project for all of us and I cannot wait to engage with Vishal and the team as we take the story forward with Chhorii 2.”
Apart from this, Nushrratt will also be seen in the upcoming family entertainer film ‘Selfiee’ opposite actors Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi. The film is all set to hit the theatres on February 17, 2023.She also has a drama thriller ‘Akelli’ in her kitty.