Gokhale is already facing multiple cases in Gujarat for posting a fake news on Twitter that said Rs 30 crore was spent on PM Narendra ModiтАЩs visit to Morbi town after its British-era bridge collapsed and killed 135 people on October 30.
A statement in Shillong said he had made тАЬdeliberate, derogatory and malicious claimsтАЭ in a press release on December 4 against the government of Meghalaya and an incorporated company Meghalayan Age Limited. Gokhale has allegedly pointed out corruption in the company, a charge the government denied.
On Saturday, it filed a court case against Gokhale тАЬfor the offence of criminal defamationтАжfor making false and defamatory statements in the print/electronic mediaтАЭ. Assembly elections in Meghalaya are slated early next year.
The NDA government in Meghalaya is led by CM Conrad SangmaтАЩs National PeopleтАЩs Party (NPP) and BJP is a minor partner.