After prominent Kannada film actor Sudeep Sanjeev, popularly known as Kichcha Sudeep, announced that he would campaign for the BJP in the forthcoming Karnataka Assembly elections, Congress MP Randeep Surjewala mocked Sudeep’s show of support and said: “6.5 crore Kannadigas will determine the Karnataka elections, not actors.”
Speaking to news agency ANI, the Congress MP said, тАЬBJP can influence anybody. Let them influence. Karnataka elections will be decided by 6.5 crores Kannadigas brothers and sisters and not by film actorsтАЭ.
Also read | On Prakash Raj’s тАШfar more sensibleтАЩ tweet, Kichcha Sudeep says тАШhe might sayтАжтАЩ
Sudeep earlier confirmed his support for the saffron party during a press conference and said: тАЬI have come here to announce my support to Basavaraj Bommai, whom I adore and call him ‘Mama’ with affection and respect. Bommai Mama has stood by me during my difficult timesтАЭ.
On being asked if he agrees with the ideology of BJP, Sudeep said, “As a citizen, I totally respect certain decisions PM Modi has taken, but that’s my perspective. But that has got nothing to do with me sitting here today”.
Karnataka CM Bommai also said that Sudeep doesn’t belong to any political party.
┬аRead – Congress announces first list of 124 candidates for Karnataka assembly elections
Assembly elections in Karnataka are scheduled to be held on May 10 and the counting of votes will take place on May 13.
Earlier in the day, an alleged threat letter was received by Kichcha Sudeep’s manager Jack Manju and Sudeep’s family members after which the police registered a case in the matter. He claimed that he knows the person who sent him the letter, adding that it was by someone from the film industry.
“Yes, I have received a threat letter and I know who sent it. I also know, it was by someone from the film industry. I will give them a fitting reply,” he told reporters at Bengaluru airport.