Bengaluru: Karnataka chief minister BS Yediyurappa on Saturday said that no decision has been taken on extending the state-wide lockdown. He added that if people follow the regulations, there will be no need to extend the lockdown. All districts of Karnataka are currently under a lockdown till 6 am on June 7.
While lockdown announced initially was supposed to end on May 10, experts insisted to impose lockdown from May 10 to 24, which was later extended till June 7.
Speaking to reporters in Bengaluru, Yediyurappa said: тАЬThe lockdown will be in effect till June 7 and we will assess the situation and decide what happens next. The strict restrictions will be in place till then and depending on Covid-19 cases reducing, we will take the next decision. If people cooperate, the question of extending the lockdown may not arise but people have to cooperate, that is all.тАЭ
Yediyurappa on Saturday also announced the CM Baalaseva scheme for children who lost their parents due to Covid-19. Under this scheme, the government will provide тВ╣3,500 to guardians of the children who lost both their parents in the pandemic. Similarly, for children who have passed standard 10, they will be given laptops and girl students above the age of 21, will be provided тВ╣1 lakh for marriage, higher education, or entrepreneurship, the government said.
тАЬChildren who donтАЩt have any guardians will be taken care of in the childcare institutions and to provide then quality education children will be admitted to (government-run) residential schools,тАЭ Yediyurappa said.