24 x 7 World News

New parents from northern Ontario win $70M Lotto Max draw with 1st-ever lottery ticket purchase


Shortly after becoming new parents, a couple from Iroquois Falls┬аnortheast of Timmins, Ont.,┬аbecame $70-million richer after winning the big prize in the Aug. 20 Lotto Max draw.

Kyle Murray told Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) he bought his first-ever lottery ticket after picking up his mom at the Timmins airport so she could meet her new grandchild.┬а

“I got the ticket and put it on the fridge and kind of forgot about it until the next morning when social media posts from a friend told us that someone in the area won,” he said.

Murray’s partner, Jennifer Stuart-Flynn, checked their ticket with the OLG app and got a notification it was a winning ticket.

“I took a big breath and I stopped. I closed the app, I reopened it and I did it again,” she said.

“Kyle was like, ‘What ? Did we win?’ I was like, ‘I think we might have.'”

Stuart-Flynn said┬аthe first thing she wants to do with the money is buy her sister a house.

“I love her, and she is the greatest person in the world, and she deserves it,” she said.

Stuart-Flynn told OLG she gets emotional thinking about how her children will never have to worry about money.

“I realize that my kids are going to have a way different life than I had growing up,” she said.

Murray said┬аhe wants to use some of the money to buy some land and build a little farm.

“You know, to set something up that the kids will want to┬аcome back to,” he said.

Murray said┬аthey’ve faced some struggles as a family the last few years.

“And everything we did was try to give them [their children] a better life, and nothing we did got us to the point that we’re on now.”

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