Actor Priyanka Chopra is currently in Hyderabad for a work commitment. If reports are to be believed, she is all set to start shooting for her Telugu film with SS Rajamouli. However, an official announcement regarding the project is still awaited. Ahead of the commencement of the shoot, Priyanka on Tuesday visited Chilkur Balaji Temple and offered prayers. She took to Instagram and shared pictures from her sacred visit. Is Priyanka Chopra Back in India for Mahesh Babu-SS Rajamouli’s Telugu Film? Actress Spotted in Brown Tracksuit at Hyderabad Airport! (Watch Video).
“With the blessings of Shri Balaji a new chapter begins. May we all find peace in our hearts and prosperity and abundance all around us. Gods grace is infinite.Thank you @upasanakaminenikonidela,” Priyanka wrote. She looked exquisite in a blue-coloured ethnic suit. Reacting to her post, Upasana Kamineni Konidela commented, “Wishing you immense success on your new film. May Lord Venkateshwar bless you abundantly.” ‘SSMB29’: Priyanka Chopra Locked As Female Lead in SS Rajamouli-Mahesh Babu’s Upcoming Film?
Priyanka Chopra at Chilkur Balaji Temple
Priyanka has also joined her husband Nick Jonas and his brothers, Joe and Kevin Jonas, for an upcoming holiday film. The project, which is expected to premiere on Disney+, brings the Jonas family together for a memorable 2025 holiday season, as per E! News. Filming for the untitled movie began on January 13 in Toronto. As per E! News, Priyanka was spotted on the set alongside her husband Nick and the Jonas brothers. The Citadel actress was spotted wearing a black hoodie and a long black coat with grey and white stripes, while Nick, donned a dark puffy jacket, with his hood pulled over to shield him from the snow, as per E! News. The set atmosphere was filled with festive cheer as Priyanka shed her winter coat to reveal a holiday-inspired look, featuring a cream-coloured long-sleeve top paired with a red floor-length skirt.
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