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тАШNCISтАЩ: Wilmer Valderrama On TorresтАЩ Dad Heartbreak And Bishop Relationship


By Philiana NgтАН, ETOnline.com.

Spoiler alert! Do not proceed if you have not watched TuesdayтАЩs episode of тАЬNCISтАЭ.



Nick Torres may have gotten answers about his father, but they it ended in heartbreaking fashion.

TuesdayтАЩs episode of тАЬNCISтАЭ┬аunpacked TorresтАЩ heartbreaking family history, digging into the real truths behind his nonexistent relationship with his absent father, who walked out on Torres and the family when he was five┬аyears old and who┬аhe believed was┬аdead.┬аIt turns out, his father, Miguel (guest star Steven Bauer), had been alive this entire time, working on dangerous undercover missions for various government agencies over the years тАФ most recently for the CIA. Though Torres understood his dad to be a deadbeat and a liar, the NCIS agent was surprised to discover that the elder Torres kept tabs on him and even helped the family financially (through the church) over the years.

After a dramatic confrontation between┬аTorres and his father against a rogue CIA agent, there was a moment when Torres believed he lost his dad тАФ┬аagain┬атАФ after he was shot multiple times. Thankfully, that wasnтАЩt the case (whew, bulletproof vests!). Even though there were decades of estrangement between father and son, Torres extended an olive branch, inviting him to dinner and even proposing he make up for lost time with other members of the family. Miguel agreed. But when Torres arrived at his hotel later that evening, he was nowhere to be found. Gone, again. Instead, Torres ended up at GibbsтАЩ house and the two friends shared a silent moment of understanding. His dad wasnтАЩt his family, his NCIS team was.

тАЬWeтАЩve been bread-crumbing a lot of what┬аTorres is to this team and who he is for years now. ThatтАЩs whatтАЩs exciting about this is weeks before [the episode]┬аwas even written, the writers and the showrunners came up to me and said, тАШHey, we really want to do a Torres episode where we find out a little bit more of his past, where he came from so we can have a deeper understanding of who he is.тАЩ┬аI was excited about that opportunity,тАЭ┬аWilmer Valderrama┬аtells ET.

Following the episode, the actor discusses TorresтАЩ bittersweet revelation about his dad, his characterтАЩs slow-burn of a relationship with Bishop and what heтАЩs looking forward to in┬аseason 19.

ET: When you got the script for this episode, what were your initial thoughts about exploring TorresтАЩ┬аrelationship with his estranged father?

Wilmer Valderrama:┬аIt was exciting.┬аI had shared with them my real dadтАЩs journey back when I was younger and in Venezuela. My dad was there for me; he was really there for me. We started playing with, тАЬWhat if he wasnтАЩt?┬аMaybe that is a beacon that really led him into a world of undercover work┬аand allowed him to capture the bad guy, and being emotionally unavailable because he┬аnever had that permission.тАЭ It was really fun to have that conversation. As we started thinking about it, what it meant and what the case was and how did it all pop up, it became even more thrilling to know that, тАЬOK, weтАЩre going to catch his dad.тАЭ┬аWe started┬аthinking about people to come forward. I had done a pilot with Steven Bauer called┬аFour Stars. It was about two four-star generals, and Bruce Greenwood and Steven Bauer played four-star generals. I played Steven BauerтАЩs son in that pilot. That was the pilot that CBS used to basically offer me the┬аNCIS┬аinvitation.┬аI started thinking to myself, тАЬMan, this would be pretty awesome if we had Steven Bauer,тАЭ and everybody was like, тАЬYeah, what about Steven Bauer?тАЭ He showed up and it was everything we needed it to be. IтАЩm so thrilled with how it all came out.

You learn a lot about TorresтАЩ father and the actual truth behind his absence in TorresтАЩ life. What was it like to really dig into TorresтАЩ family history┬аand filling those blanks for you?┬а

The truth is that for Torres, heтАЩs been hanging on to how things were literally and emotionally at home, and not understanding the pain his father possibly went through. But also for his father to not understand┬аthe pain that him and his mother even went through, I think that was a big revelation. ItтАЩs a big moment and a big iconic moment for Torres to really understand what sacrifices were made back then for the possibility of him being a man who he could be or he could grow up to be. The circumstances were what the circumstances were. When he┬аlooks at the new information, itтАЩs like he┬аdoesnтАЩt want to believe it. He┬аstill wants to be mad because heтАЩs┬аtalking about 30 years of being mad at somebody. тАЬHey, I canтАЩt just undo that hate, it┬аalmost┬аdeconstructs who I am.тАЭ That was a very tough conversation for all of us,┬аthe writers and the producers. Even with Bauer and I in our dynamic, we had a lot of conversations on the phone about that. тАЬWhat do you mean by that? Where are you coming from? How are┬аyou feeling when you say those things?тАЭ When we went to set, we wanted to have a notion that Torres really knew where he was coming from and he felt a certain way. Then that new information really challenged everything he was and what he became, because had he been given that information when he was younger, who knows what TorresтАЩ┬аvision would be┬аfor a father. I think Gibbs has accidentally become the father that Torres never had. This team of NCIS also became accidentally the family he never had.

In the last couple of years, youтАЩve seen Torres softening up a little bit and being more of a┬аpositive team member, and about his teammates, and about having each otherтАЩs backs. In this episode, you really see it come to a dramatic halt. When Torres walks into the hotel room, what does that mean when his father is not there? ItтАЩs almost a confirmation of everything that Torres was before, itтАЩs a confirmation that maybe he should go back to who he was before, тАЬYeah, exactly, thatтАЩs the answer I wanted. OK,┬аcool, you broke my heart again. Now, how do I believe everything you said to me before this?тАЭ


Sonja Flemming/CBS ┬й2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sonja Flemming/CBS ┬й2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In the┬аfinal moments of┬аthe episode, thereтАЩs still hope on TorresтАЩ side that his dad has maybe turned a new leaf.┬аThen he sees that his dad has┬аleft. What was┬аgoing through TorresтАЩ mind in that moment when he realized, тАЬHe is who I thought he was for all these yearsтАжтАЭ?

They had just fought for each otherтАЩs lives. He thought he almost lost his dad when he got shot. He saw that moment as, тАЬI now know too much, but not enough. Please donтАЩt die.тАЭ Then when he survived and to get through that, then there is this notion of, тАЬWhile youтАЩre here, might as well meet your niece┬аand see your other daughter. LetтАЩs go eat or something?тАЭ When he says тАЬyes,тАЭ┬аTorres actually┬аtruly believes it. I donтАЩt think Torres assumes, тАЬYouтАЩre going to be my dad now. LetтАЩs play catch.тАЭ He just thinks, тАЬI need┬аan opportunity for me to know who my dad really was┬аand what heтАЩs been through because that will be healing.тАЭ┬аHe was excited to heal, he was excited to move forward. He was excited to show his dad, тАЬI know you sacrificed a lot for my mother and me and everybody else in our family, but donтАЩt worry, weтАЩre cool. We turned out OK.тАЭ When he was walking up to that hotel and he saw the hotel room empty, Torres in that moment realized, тАЬWait a minute, did anything he said to me have any truth? Did he betray┬аmy trust again? Told me a movie and now used it to exit left again?тАЭ

When he shows up at GibbsтАЩ house, he doesnтАЩt know that heтАЩs driving to his house. When he walks in, he wasnтАЩt there to have any conversation, he wasnтАЩt there to process anything. He goes, тАЬIтАЩm not trying to be emotionally available either.тАЭ I think Gibbs understands when Torres says, тАЬI donтАЩt want to talk about it.тАЭ He goes, тАЬThen you came to the right place.тАЭ That is their way.┬аThese are two seasoned bulls dealing with emotions. For Torres, I think it means, тАЬMaybe this is why I went undercover for so long. This is why I wasnтАЩt emotionally attached to anything. ThatтАЩs why I trained myself to not be at one place for too long, to become anything but me to get the bad guy.тАЭ It confirmed that he┬аshouldnтАЩt trust anyone anymore. That is going to do a number on him, and┬аsomething fractured and broke in Torres. YouтАЩre going to see that play out. HeтАЩs not going to┬аtrust many people. The only people┬аhe really knows to put his trust in is┬аhis team, because he knows that theyтАЩve been through worse together somehow.

Torres and BishopтАЩs relationship has been quite a slow burn.┬аWhat can you┬аsay about what viewers┬аcan look forward to with their close bond?

The fans have seen the┬аseeds of a closer and deeper connection between the two of them. I think they really, truly have a very special and honest relationship. They can trust each other. They know theyтАЩre not emotionally available to one another or to the world. I mean, theyтАЩve been through too much for them to break their own rules and figure out how you make that work.┬аI think thatтАЩs why itтАЩs so slow. They just donтАЩt really know how to be in a relationship. You wear the badge for that long and you give yourself to service, and then when itтАЩs time to do something for yourself, itтАЩs really hard to do that. For Bishop, the few times that sheтАЩs tried to be emotionally available has really backfired for her. The same thing for Torres.┬аMost of his relationships were part of an undercover scheme for him to get the bad guy. ItтАЩs hard for them to really know how to make a square fit in the triangle. ItтАЩs this Tetris. TheyтАЩre playing Tetris with their minds and they donтАЩt really know where they fit with one another. But I will tell you, this is the season youтАЩll find out.

Oh really?┬а

Yeah. ThereтАЩs something exciting that you can explore the psychology of both of them or where they come┬аfrom. Whatever the fans have been wondering about тАФ what it really is, what it isnтАЩt, theyтАЩre going to get their answers this seasonтАж ItтАЩs┬аvague but itтАЩs incredibly loaded. ThatтАЩs all I can tell you.

Congratulations on the┬аseason 19 renewal. What are you looking forward to with another year on the show and kind of getting to at least another year of work for you on the show?

Because we stopped our season 17 abruptly, we werenтАЩt able to have a proper season finale. Even though we came back, we had a shorter order. We had a 16-episode order, and there were a lot of challenges тАФ┬аwhere you could go, how many characters could be in one scene┬аand all of that. It was hard to thrive as a season, but I look at it as a huge testament to our fans that kept showing up every Tuesday night┬аand almost breaking 10 million every week. To go into this season and have all the major protocols, and have a time and placeтАж We just didnтАЩt know what was going to be of the show. Being able to pull off a season, do 16 episodes and be able to be back on television for the fans when 30 percent┬аof our industry was working of what traditionally shoots. We feel very fortunate, and I think we nailed our protocols, and we were excited to show that we could be at work and be safe. Now, in this [upcoming] 19th season, we finally get to give the fans the season finale theyтАЩve been wanting or needing or wanting to see. We were able to have a real season finale that leads us into a season premiere, and itтАЩs a major one. ItтАЩs a major, major season finale.

ThatтАЩs whatтАЩs exciting about whatтАЩs to come. The show is not slowing down. If anything, itтАЩs the same magic but different energy. ItтАЩs different dynamics that continue to take us to different places on the show. As long as they keep watching, weтАЩre going to keep showing up. ThatтАЩs how I feel about that, and IтАЩm grateful that at such a historic time in our industry and the world, we can in a very, very, very, very small part be a contributor to a little bit of sanity. And if we can just stay on the air and we can continue, that┬аis everything you want as an actor and as an entertainer. IтАЩm glad and IтАЩm happy.

тАЬNCISтАЭ airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Global. For more, watch below.


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