Director Vignesh Shivan, who celebrates his birthday on Sunday, has disclosed that his wife, actress Nayanthara, had pleasantly surprised him by organising a ‘dreamy’ birthday party beneath the world-renowned Dubai landmark, Burj Khalifa. Taking to social media to share pictures of their birthday celebration together, Vignesh Shivan wrote, “A birthday filled with pure love from a loving family! Awesome surprise by my wife, my thangam – a dreamy birthday below Burj Khalifa with all my lovely people with me !” Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan’s Wedding Documentary to Premiere Soon on Netflix, Streaming Giant Shares Dreamy Pics!
“Can’t get better and more special than this! Always thanking God for all the lovely moments he gives me in this blessed life!” Nayanthara, for her part, tweeted, “Happiest birthday to the Super special Vignesh Shivan! Stay Blessed always!” Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan Pose Romantically on Madrid Streets and It’s Damn Cute (View Pics).
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She also posted a video clip of the birthday celebrations of her husband. The clip shows a close group of family members and friends clapping to the beats of a song being played even as the camera zooms in on three cakes, each of which has lighted candles on it.
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Birthday Celebrations ?❤️Wikki❤️?Indeed A Super special one?#HBDVigneshShivN @VigneshShivN #WikkiNayan
— Nayanthara✨ (@NayantharaU) September 18, 2022
While one cake reads: “Happy birthday Magane (Happy birthday son!)”, the second one reads, “Happy birthday Wikki sir” and the third, which is the biggest of the lot, reads, “Happy birthday Ulagam (Happy birthday my world).”
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Sep 18, 2022 03:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website