National Vaccination Day: National Vaccination Day 2023: History, significance and celebrations | India News

National Vaccination Day is a day dedicated to promoting vaccination and raising awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated. It is celebrated in several countries around the world on different dates, but the aim is always the same: to encourage people to get vaccinated and protect themselves against infectious diseases. In India, National Vaccination Day is celebrated on March 16 every year, which is also known as “Polio Ravivar.”
History and link with Polio
National Vaccination Day in India, also known as “Polio Ravivar,” was introduced as part of the National Polio Eradication Program (NPEP) launched in 1995. The NPEP aimed to eliminate polio from India by conducting mass vaccination campaigns and reaching every child under the age of five years.
The first National Vaccination Day was observed on October 2, 1995, to coincide with the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who was a strong advocate of preventive healthcare. However, it was later shifted to March 16 every year to avoid conflicts with other health programs. The day was chosen to coincide with the birthday of Dr. Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio vaccine.
The Indian government, in partnership with various organizations and stakeholders, has been conducting National Vaccination Day campaigns every year since then. During these campaigns, millions of children are vaccinated against polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases. In addition to the polio vaccine, other vaccines, such as the measles vaccine, are also administered to children as part of these campaigns.
Over the years, India has made remarkable progress in eliminating polio. The last case of wild poliovirus was reported in the country in January 2011, and the World Health Organization declared India a polio-free country in 2014. The success of the National Vaccination Day campaigns has played a significant role in achieving this milestone.
The day is crucial to create awareness among people about the benefits of vaccination in children and adults as it keeps deadly diseases at bay. India is now moving towards the eradication of measles and rubella through vaccination campaigns. Here’s how the day is significant to India
  1. Promotes vaccination: National Vaccination Day encourages people to get vaccinated and raises awareness about the benefits of vaccination. It helps to promote vaccination as an essential public health tool that can prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  2. Prevents outbreaks: National Vaccination Day is an effective way to prevent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. By vaccinating a large number of people in a short period, it can reduce the risk of disease transmission and protect the wider community from infectious diseases.
  3. Saves lives: Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases and save lives. National Vaccination Day helps to ensure that everyone, especially children, has access to life-saving vaccines.
  4. Achieves herd immunity: National Vaccination Day contributes to achieving herd immunity, which is a form of indirect protection from infectious diseases that occurs when a significant proportion of the population is vaccinated. This means that even those who cannot receive vaccines, such as infants or individuals with certain medical conditions, are also protected from the disease.
  5. Reduces healthcare costs: Vaccination can significantly reduce healthcare costs by preventing the need for hospitalization and long-term care for vaccine-preventable diseases. National Vaccination Day promotes cost-effective preventive healthcare that can save money in the long run.

In summary, National Vaccination Day is a crucial event that promotes the importance of vaccination and encourages people to take action to protect themselves and their communities from vaccine-preventable diseases.
How is it celebrated?
National Vaccination Day is celebrated in India through various activities and programs to raise awareness about the benefits of vaccination. The Government of India organizes various campaigns and programs to encourage people to get vaccinated to stay healthy. On this day, health camps are also organized in schools, hospitals, and other public places where people can get vaccinated for free or at a discounted rate. Health officials and medical professionals hold talks and seminars to educate people about the importance of vaccines and their benefits.
Additionally, various awareness campaigns are launched in print, electronic, and social media platforms to promote the importance of vaccination and to encourage people to get vaccinated. The day is also an occasion to appreciate the hard work and dedication of frontline health care workers who ensure that all children and adults in the country are vaccinated against deadly diseases.
The goal is to ensure that everyone is protected from vaccine-preventable diseases and that public health is safeguarded.

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