Music Media Company eleven0seven is Changing The Game of Music Marketing With The Launch of Their Agency For Upcoming Artists

Known for curating a variety of up and coming new talent eleven0seven decides to implement a marketing agency for all the rising artists they’ve featured throughout the years. The company was founded in 2018 by Lorenzo Barr Jr while still in high school with intentions of building a community around emerging artists.

From working with musicians like Grammy nominated singer, songwriter, and producer, Choyce Cincere to rising artists like Moe young from internet money and r&b songstress avgust reign.

The rising media company isn’t new to having their hands on the pulse of emerging artists over the years. With the launch of their marketing agency eleven0seven plans to work with artists more exclusively on a one-on-one basis to help strengthen their online presence and develop their core audience of listeners through PR & email marketing campaigns

When asked what inspired the launch of the agency this is what Lorenzo had to say:

“With this new aspect of eleven0seven I’m striving to just genuinely help artists reach their desired goals”

“The main objective was to provide rising talent with opportunities and tools that they wouldn’t necessarily get from other outlets due to so much behind the scenes politics that goes on between other artists & their managers with these companies”

“I really just wanted to provide a tool that artist can use regularly and appreciate hopefully”

With so much new music now being released on streaming services everyday, Artists need to take a strategic approach to marketing their music now more than ever. The main question for an artist should always be how can I stand out from every other artist in my genre

“I absolutely agree, you would think that every new artist would have that thought process but you’d be surprised. I feel like many new artists tend to have a huge misconception about how this actual music business works. Especially within the music marketing aspect of it. It’s not about having the best music anymore unfortunately. It’s about who can market themselves to the audience better. More artist need to understand that if their music isn’t being placed in front of new audiences it doesn’t matter how good the song is no one will know it exists”

There’s a long list of marketing mistakes that artists continue to make. For someone who’s curious about how eleven0seven’s approach would be benefiting for them what can you say

“So often I’m approached by new artists who think that spamming their music links through an Instagram DM or sending blast emails to media outlets is still an effective way to grow an audience in 2021. I’m not saying that every new artist needs to work with our agency specifically, but in these fast moving digital times that we’re living in every artist should at least have some form of a partnership with a marketing team or company to strategize ways to further their music career. With so much competition now, it’s almost mandatory at this point”

How Important Is It For An Artist To Work With A Marketing Agency Today

“If I’m being honest it solely depends on how serious the artists even takes their music, if the artist doesn’t approach music with their heart and soul and doesn’t really take it that seriously then it wouldn’t really make sense for them to market their music because they’re already content with just putting it out to the world regardless if anyone hears it or not so it’s honestly just based off the artist viewing their music as a casual hobby or it being your lifelong profession at the end of the day”

With eleven0seven now coming up on it’s third year what can we expect from the company & what are some of the long term goals.

“Honestly the goals & vision for it are constantly changing I’d say the primary focus right now is working with more artist with the agency and furthering growth for their audience, and of course there’s also more eleven0sevenradio mixes with featured artists. As far as long term goals I plan on developing a film/video production section for eleven0seven so shooting and directing music videos for artists, that’s the next move essentially”

“Overall I’m just extremely excited to work with more artists it’s truly amazing to witness how much talent is coming out”

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