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Mum breaks spine during childbirth – and recovers well enough to walk down the aisle – World News


A mum who broke her spine during labour has recovered to walk down the aisle after surgery which she says saved her life after she was left suicidal.

Elizabeth Smith, 32, from Ontario, Canada, suffered a serious fracture to her tailbone and two herniated discs in her spine during the complicated birth of her first child, Sawyer.

She said that during labour she was in unbearable pain and afterwards she was left suicidal until she was finally given spinal surgery.

Elizabeth, who got engaged in October 2019, decided to celebrate the victory of being back on her feet by planning her wedding and was able to walk down the aisle to her now husband, Kyle, 37, pain free last September.

After surgery Elizabeth was fit enough to walk down the aisle and get married
After surgery Elizabeth was fit enough to walk down the aisle and get married

She said: “It felt amazing to finally get to celebrate us as a couple because so much focus had been on me being ill and us being new parents. We finally just got to be a normal couple who didn’t have the weight of chronic pain on our shoulders and the devastating effect that had on our family.

“My dad walked me down the aisle. Our ceremony only had 32 guests, it was extremely intimate. I think almost every single guest had a tear at some point because everyone there felt very connected to our journey.

“For so long after Sawyer was born, I couldn’t walk more than from my bed to my couch without crying. I was bent in half and people forgot how tall I was as I was hunched over. Normally I’m 5ft 11in and it felt incredible to walk tall to meet my husband.”

Elizabeth added: “I honestly wasn’t sure we would make it as a couple or ever have a wedding day when I was sick. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to be with someone so miserable and unable to participate in the most basic day to day things.

“It wasn’t that I just couldn’t walk- people can learn to adapt to that, but it was a constant overwhelming pain.”

She said that she had to wait 15 months before medics agreed to the operation
She said that she had to wait 15 months before medics agreed to the operation

Elizabeth said how she was left in agony by the labour where the baby’s head got stuck.

She continued: “I went into labour feeling fine but I left in agony.

“It took four attempts for doctors to give me an epidural in my spine, but I could still feel everything and I stayed at 9cm for hours.

“Doctors truthfully don’t know exactly what happened. His head got stuck and they used a vacuum to get him out. It was a very distressing, prolonged period of time.

She said that the pregnancy had been fine but during labour the baby's head got stuck
She said that the pregnancy had been fine but during labour the baby’s head got stuck

“I couldn’t pick my son up, for the first year he was raised by my parents, I could barely hold him, my back wouldn’t take it so I couldn’t be alone with him, I would cry with the pain.

“I was desperate for corrective spinal surgery where they shave the discs down so they are no longer impinging on the nerve which was causing me the most agony.”

However Elizabeth claimed she had to battle with medics for them to agree to the surgery as they said she was too young.

She said: “I was in an horrendous amount of pain, but I was a new mum, I didn’t know what was normal after delivery and my priority was my baby’s health.”

In the early days after Sawyer’s birth, Elizabeth was unable to walk or sit down but at her six week post partem check, she was told the cause would be sciatica and to try physiotherapy.

The children’s day care owner said: “I tried everything but the pain was getting worse. I felt like someone was constantly stabbing me in the spine. I asked for an operation but I was told no and I continued to ask for over a year but I was told that back surgery would ruin my life.”

After having the baby she said the back pain was so bad it made her suicidal
After having the baby she said the back pain was so bad it made her suicidal

Elizabeth tried various pain relief options but many medicines caused her to gain a considerable amount of weight.

She said: “Some medication caused me to gain 25lbs in two weeks, it was horrible. I spent thousands of dollars on therapy but I knew the answer was surgery, I needed surgery to survive.”

Due to her physical limitations, Elizabeth felt unable to be a proper mum and this affected her mental health. The pain and physical restrictions left her feeling suicidal.

She said: “My mum would come over and get me up, get me ready, help to dress me, my parents, brother and husband would take it in turns to look after me throughout the day.

“I honestly didn’t think I would survive it. It completely devastated me, I was a strong person but it was killing me. I just wanted to live my life, be a proper mum but I couldn’t function.

“I was slowly losing myself. I had no life at all, I was letting him down because I couldn’t be the mum he deserved and I hated the guilt that came with that.”

Eventually when Sawyer was 13 months old, Elizabeth was placed on a waiting list for an operation.

She said: “I finally felt heard. It was agreed I needed emergency spine surgery.. I burst into tears as I was given a surgery date, it saved my life.”

She got married with a small gathering due to the Covid restrictions last September
She got married with a small gathering due to the Covid restrictions last September

Her recovery has been slow and Elizabeth said she still doesn’t have the life she did before pregnancy, but she is getting better each day.

The couple decided to tie the knot in September last year. It was a small family ceremony due to Covid but Elizabeth was thrilled to be able to confidently walk down the aisle – pain free.

She said: “We had spent so long focused on our son and my ill health we hadn’t made serious plans. We wanted to wait until I was feeling better to enjoy the day.

Elizabeth has said that since the back surgery she has been able to go out and enjoy life again
Elizabeth has said that since the back surgery she has been able to go out and enjoy life again

“I don’t think many men would have stuck around. I couldn’t cook, clean, work or look after our son. Kyle works in HR for international defence and he is my world.

“My dad is my biggest supporter, he is my best friend and it meant the world to both of us for him to be able to walk me down the aisle.

“It has been amazing to be able to do it because I didn’t want to be someone who hides in the house. I didn’t see my friends because I was so embarrassed by the pain and it made me unrecognisable, family and friends could see it etched on my face.

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