Montreal police officers called to order for violating Bill 21

Montreal police have asked their officers to stop wearing religious symbols while on the job, according to information obtained by Radio-Canada. 

Many officers were seen wearing crests paying homage to the Catholic patron saint of law enforcement while monitoring protests related to the COP15 international forum. Photos of the badges with “Saint Michael Protect Us” written on them have been circulating on social media. 

However, the law on secularism of the state, also called Bill 21, adopted in June 2019, prohibits the wearing of religious symbols by representatives of the state in a position of authority.

“After analysis, it was agreed that the crest of Saint Michael worn by SPVM (Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal) police officers on their uniform is a religious sign within the meaning of the law,” the memo sent out to officers said. 

“Consequently, we ask you now to kindly remove from your uniforms any crest symbolizing or referring to the Archangel Saint Michael, in order to comply with the law.”

Montreal’s police union said it agrees with the force’s request.

The Quebec police code of ethics stipulates that a police officer must perform their duties with “disinterestedness and impartiality.” This means avoiding placing themselves in a situation where they would be in conflict of interest or likely to compromise their impartiality or judgment.

The SPVM told Radio-Canada that a complete overhaul of the procedure for keeping and maintaining police officers has been underway for several months. However, it did not disclose when the review will finish.

“Management will issue a statement in this regard once the committee has completed its work and presented its recommendations,” said an SPVM spokesperson.

Last year, SPVM officers were spotted wearing another controversial symbol, the “Thin Blue Line,” criticized for its association with far-right groups. This symbol has also been used to oppose the Black Lives Matter movement.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante has said she was uncomfortable with officers wearing the symbol.

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