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‘Monster’ sharks spotted circling fisherman’s boat after feasting on whale carcass – World News


The four-meter long sharks were spotted just hours after YouTuber Brett Methven and his friends spotted a huge rotting humpback whale carcass had to washed up in Queensland, Australia

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Tiger Sharks circle our boat while they wait to feed on whale carcass

Two tiger sharks size-up a fisherman’s boat just a few hundred metres from shore after feasting on a whale carcass.

In the fearsome footage, the beasts circle the tiny vessel, swimming right up to the side as they plot their next meal.

Brett Methven captured the whole thing after spending an afternoon on the water.

He was fishing with his friends on Fraser Island, of Queensland, Australia, when something caught his eye in the ocean.

Catching sight of the four-meter shark, the group were stunned to see the creature up close.

But the sea predator was not alone and moment later, they noticed a second one swimming towards them.

Brett Methven called the fearsome sharks ‘monsters’ as they swum up to hid boat


Coastal Chaos Adventures/YouTube)

Mr Methven shared the footage on his YouTube account – and earlier they had made a discovery on the beach as they prepared for their day on the water.

A huge rotting humpback whale carcass had washed ashore but the sharks clearly had room for more.

He said on the video: “It’s unfortunate but these things do happen. We haven’t seen one up here in years – it’s a bit sad but that’s just how nature is.”

He thinks the creatures feasted on a huge whale carcass they found washed up on the beach


Coastal Chaos Adventures/YouTube)

The man said it was clear the sharks had got at the whale, with “big chunks” taken out of it.

It comes just days after two “enormous” great white sharks ripped another whale carcass to shreds as stunned tourists on a boat trip watched on.

Whale watchers on an excursion off Cape Cod, on the east coast of the US, recorded one vicious apex predator darting through the water and tearing pieces off what appears to be a dead humpback whale.

The clip starts by focusing in on the whale’s corpse as bubbles and small waves lap against its body, Daily Star Online reports.

Within moments, a fin emerges and the carcass jolts as the shark bites at it beneath the waves.

Captain John Boats, the company who led the excursion, told followers a second shark was close by and came to collect its serving after the filming ended.

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“This afternoon was a trip for the record books,” the company wrote. “We started off our trip by taking a look at a whale who was unfortunately deceased.

“While we were there two enormous white sharks came to feast.

“We stood by while the research team collected video of these two doing what sharks do best.”

People on the tour wrote on social media that it was the most “amazing” experience ever had.

Captain John Goggin, who led the trip, told The Boston Herald : “It was the first time I had ever seen this happen.

“People on board were pretty excited. There was a lot of yelling, ‘Oh my God! Wow!’”

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