Monkey Menace at Taj Mahal: Agra Police To Install Ultrasonic Machine To Tackle Monkeys Attacking Tourists

Kanpur, September 25: In a bid to tackle the increasing menace of monkeys targeting tourists at Agra’s iconic Taj Mahal, the police are set to install ultrasonic monkey-repellent machines. This initiative is part of a broader strategy that includes the formation of an anti-monkey task force and the designation of a “yellow zone” around the Taj Mahal walls to safeguard visitors.

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Taj Security, Syed Areeb Ahmed, announced that the ultrasonic monkey repellent machine will initially be installed at a single point as a pilot project, Amar Ujala reported. Based on its success, the deployment will be expanded to other areas around the Taj Mahal. Monkey Attack in Uttar Pradesh: Woman Mauled by Monkeys on Roof of Her House in Sambhal.

Monkey Menace at Taj Mahal

Despite efforts by the Agra Nagar Nigam, which claims to have captured over 400 monkeys during various drives, the problem persists. In 2019, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) was tasked with securing the Taj Mahal and provided with slingshots to deter monkeys. However, this approach was discontinued due to backlash from animal rights activists.

Monkey Attack Incidents at Taj Mahal on Rise

The Taj Mahal has seen a rise in monkey attacks on tourists, with incidents of biting and theft becoming more frequent. This has raised significant concerns about visitor safety. The new ultrasonic repellent machines are expected to drive away monkeys when activated, providing a safer environment for tourists. Monkey With Rs 21,000 Bounty Caught: Monkey Captured After 2-Week Terror and 20 Attacks in Madhya Pradeh’s Rajgarh.

Efforts to eradicate the monkey menace haven’t borne fruit, as animal protection laws and religious beliefs do not permit hunting down or forcibly relocating monkeys.

In 2022, a woman tourist from Spain was attacked by a gang of monkeys inside the Taj Mahal. The tourist, identified as Sandra, sustained injuries in the monkey attack. She was admitted to a nearby hospital. In another attack, the monkeys injured an 8-year-old child, who was bitten in the back and had to be provided with emergency medical aid by Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) officials. The kid returned home with his parents without seeing the Taj.

(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Sep 25, 2024 10:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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