Alia Bhatt is currently basking in the success of her recently-released film Brahmast4a. The actor has been garnering praises from audience and critics alike for her performance in the film which is making a lot of noise in Bollywood right now. Alia played the character of Isha – the protagonist Shiva’s love interest in the film. Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt’s husband played the role of protagonist in the film. Brahmastra also starred Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy in the lead roles. Brahmastra, the first of the announced trilogy, is special for Alia and Ranbir for reasons too many. The actors fell in love on the sets of the film and got married in this year. They are expecting their first child together.
ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt wins maternity fashion moment with Ranbir Kapoor in ethnic look
Alia and Ranbir announced their pregnancy with a super adorable post on Instagram where they can be seen looking at an ultrasound together. The actors were also seen promoting Brahmastra together recently. Alia is owning the pregnancy fashion game like a pro since her pregnancy announcement. From ethnic ensembles with the words ‘Baby on board’ written on the back to slaying the fashion game in comfortable dresses, Alia is doing it right. A day back, Alia Bhatt slayed maternity fashion in an all-black ensemble. The actor shared a slew of pictures of herself on her Instagram profile and slayed fashion goals for us. She showed us how to do the classic black-on-black look in a black satin oversized shirt and a pair of black trousers. The black shirt featured collars and buttons throughout the length and Alia folded the sleeves to give it a more casual vibe. She teamed it with a pair of black satin trousers. “Glow worm,” commented Alia’s colleague from the film industry whom she recently shared screen with in Brahmastra – Mouni Roy. Take a look at her pictures here:
Alia accessorised her look for the day in golden hoop earrings. Styled by fashion stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania, Alia wore her tresses into a clean ponytail and decked up in mascara-laden eyelashes, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick.
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