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Missing Day 2024: 6 things to do when you are missing someone you love


Missing someone you recently broke up with or coping with a loss of loved one can be extremely challenging. Just when you feel, you are past the initial pain of separation, the pangs of longing and heartache can hit unexpectedly leaving you helpless and heartbroken. Managing emotions when every inch of your existence is pining to be with that person seems nearly impossible. One can also miss a loved one while being in a long-distance relationship. However difficult it may seem to get over this void, one has to find ways to live with this void. The first step in this journey to cope with missing a loved one is to be okay to feel sad and lonely and write down your feelings in a journal. (Also read | Confession Day 2024: Top confessions to avoid; 6 things to never tell your partner)

Missing Day 2024: 6 things to do when you are missing someone you love(Freepik)

Moreover, you can also celebrate their memory by establishing routines that remind you of your loved one. Keeping it all inside you can be detrimental for your mental health, and it’s important to share what you truly feel with people close to your heart. It often happens that after separating from a special person, one may feel a lack of purpose. This can be dealt with by setting a new goal for personal growth which makes you feel fulfilled and navigate life with more contentment.

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Dr. Jyoti Kapoor, Founder-Director and Senior Psychiatrist, Manasthali in an interview with HT Digital shares things to do to when you are missing someone you love:

1. Embrace your emotions: Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with missing someone you love. It’s okay to feel sad, lonely, or even frustrated. Acknowledging and processing these emotions is an essential step in healing. Write in a journal, talk to a friend, or simply sit with your feelings to gain clarity and understanding.

2. Stay connected virtually: In our digital age, staying connected has never been easier. Utilise video calls, voice messages, or even handwritten letters to maintain a sense of closeness. Share your daily experiences, thoughts, and emotions with your loved one to bridge the physical gap and make them feel present in your life.

3. Create meaningful rituals: Establishing rituals or routines that remind you of your loved one can help create a sense of continuity. This could be as simple as lighting a candle, listening to a special song, or preparing a meal you both enjoyed together. These small acts can serve as comforting reminders of your connection.

4. Engage in self-care: Focus on self-care activities that bring you comfort and joy. Whether it’s indulging in a favourite hobby, practicing mindfulness, or pampering yourself with a relaxing bath, taking care of your well-being is crucial. By nurturing yourself, you can better cope with the challenges of missing someone you love.

5. Surround yourself with supportive people: Share your feelings with friends and family who understand and empathise with your situation. Spending time with loved ones can provide a sense of companionship and distract you from the pain of missing someone. Engage in activities that bring joy and laughter, helping to uplift your spirits.

6. Focus on personal growth: Use the time apart to invest in personal growth and self-improvement. Pursue goals, learn new skills, or explore interests that you may not have had time for before. Channelling your energy into personal development can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment, making the period of separation more bearable.

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