Actor Mihir Ahuja is all excited to star in filmmaker Zoya Akhtar’s much-awaited Netflix film The Archies. Set against the background of the Anglo-Indian community in India, the Indian adaptation is touted to be a fresh take on The Archies Comics of the 60s. Mihir shared with Hindustan Times exclusively, “I am very excited and very grateful of course that I am getting such opportunities. And, getting to work with Zoya Akhtar is a dream come true for any actor.”
The Archies star Mihir alongside Dot, Yuvraj Menda, Vedang Raina with Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda who will be marking their Bollywood debut officially. The cast recently wrapped up a shooting schedule in Ooty. Mihir updates about the progress of the film, “It has been wonderful working with all the actors. We have already done two schedules aur abhi bhi hum shoot kar rahe hai (We are shooting more). All the actors are really good and we are just trusting Zoya blindly.” Also read: Zoya Akhtar wraps up The Archies shoot in Ooty
“We all did workshops together. Everyone is a brilliant actor on set and our chemistry was great even during the workshop.” So, did Mihir feel any starry air while working with debutants, Suhana, Khushi and Agastya? He instantly replied, “Bilkul bhi nahin (not at all)!” To remind you, while Suhana Khan is the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, Khushi Kapoor is the sister of Janhvi Kapoor and youngest daughter of Sridevi and Boney Kapoor. Agastya Nanda, is the grandson of Amitabh Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan and Nikhil Nanda’s son.
Also read: The Archies casting directors defend Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda
“I am being very honest, it’s just like how I do masti with my every co-star. When we were shooting in Ooty, everyone was having fun. So there was nothing like that sort. Because we are all creators, actors and artists. So when we meet, we just want to create something (with our craft) irrespective of the background we come from, we don’t keep these things in mind. We are just happy working together,” he reasoned. Before Archies, Mihir will be seen in Feels Like Home Season 2, which release on Lionsgate Play on 7th October. It also has Prit Kamani, Vishnu Kaushal and Anshuman Malhotra with him in the lead roles.