Megastar Chiranjeevi on Tuesday commenced shooting for a fantasy entertainer titled Mega 156. Taking to X (formerly Twitter) production house UV Creations shared a video from the film’s pooja ceremony. “In the good old days, films used to begin with music compositions, and #Mega156 has brought the tradition back to Telugu Cinema Beginning the MEGA MASS BEYOND UNIVERSE with a celebratory song composition followed by an auspicious Pooja Ceremony Wishing everyone a very Happy Dussehra,” the post said. Chiranjeevi Birthday: Allu Arjun, Thaman S and Others Extend Heartfelt Wishes to Tollywood’s Megastar As He Turns 68!
Mega 156 Commences Shooting
In the good old days, films used to begin with music compositions, and #Mega156 has brought the tradition back to Telugu Cinema 💫🔮
Beginning the MEGA MASS BEYOND UNIVERSE with a celebratory song composition followed by an auspicious Pooja Ceremony ❤️
Wishing everyone a very…
— UV Creations (@UV_Creations) October 24, 2023
The video begins with music director MM Keeravani talking about the film’s music recording prior to the official launch. Megastar Chiranjeevi, accompanied by his wife Surekha, attended the event. Previously, this film was set to be Chiranjeevi’s 157th project. Initial posters also featured this number.
But now it’s tentatively titled as Mega 156. On the megastar’s birthday, the makers wished the actor by formally announcing the fantasy entertainer.
Taking to X, Vassishta thanked the megastar for giving him a chance and shared the poster of the film to mark the day. He wrote, “My heartfelt thanks to the MIGHTY MEGASTAR @KChiruTweets garu for believing me and giving me the chance to present you on BIG screens Wishing the BOSS of Masses a very happy birthday! Here’s the concept poster of #MEGA157 – MEGA MASS BEYOND UNIVERSE More details soon!”. Mega 157 Announced on Chiranjeevi’s Birthday! Film To Be Helmed by Bimbisara Director Vassishta.
The announcement poster had panchabhutas (five elements of nature) — Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky — encompassed in an object that has a star-shaped element with a trident in it. The fantasy flick, which is the first of its kind signed by the megastar after a long while, will be directed by Vassishta, who made his directorial debut with Bimbisara. Mega 156 is to be shot on a massive scale by V Vamsi Krishna Reddy, Pramod Uppalapati, and Vikram Reddy under the banner of UV Creations.