Meet the dog who works in court to help soothe anxious victims of crime – World News

A specially-trained dog who is able to calm victims of crime and anxious witnesses in court cases has proved such a success the scheme maybe rolled out further.

A year-long trial saw Black labrador Lol being called into courts and interview rooms, whenever people needed a little support in the court in Cahors, France.

Jean-Thibault Daniel, of the Handi’chiens association which owns Lol, said: “The consent of the victim or the witness is needed but there are relatively few cases where, if given the option of meeting Lol, they say they do not want to.

“The majority of the cases where he is used are those involving children or younger teenagers, who can easily be overwhelmed by the surroundings and procedures of a formal interview or court proceedings.

“Having a friendly, empathetic dog by their side makes all the difference.”

He helps victims and witnesses
(Image: Chris Bockman)

Prosecutor Frédéric Almendros, who started the scheme, initially thought Lol’s role would be limited to keeping victims and witnesses calm while they waited for their case, but he was so well behaved that he was soon allowed into the courtroom.

Mr Daniel told the BBC: “It was important that the dog did not interfere with proceedings, and he does not.

“He sits quietly at the side of the victim or witness, but I have seen him react and nuzzle or rub gently against people when they are becoming tense and upset and it does seem to calm them down, so they can carry on with their testimony or listen to the trial.”

Lol went through the normal training given to all the dogs in the Handi’chiens association, which was set up initially to provide assistance dogs for people in wheelchairs or with conditions such as epilepsy.

It has since added training for dogs that go into retirement homes or help people with mental health issues.

Puppies are bought at the age of two or three months, and then spend 16 months with volunteer families, who have a mission to socialise the young dogs and also to expose them to different situations.

And now Lol is making a name for himself well beyond south-west France.

He has been driven to the European Parliament to participate in a seminar on crime and how to assist victims.

Lol became what’s thought to be the first dog in Europe to provide official judicial support in court
(Image: Chris Bockman)

And when President Macron, who owns a cross-breed black Labrador, spent two days in the Lot this month he asked the team looking after Lol what he eats and about his temperament.

The Lot department’s chief prosecutor, Frédéric Almendros, says the next experiment starts at the end of the month to see whether Lol can help reform violent criminals.

In his words: “If anyone can turn a repeat offender, its Lol.”

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