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‘Meditation demands great discipline’: Jiddu Krishnamurti


There are various interpretations of meditation and meditative learning. One such interesting aspect was proposed by philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti in an interview with former BBC religious affairs interviewer Oliver Hunkin.

“Meditation is emptying the whole mind of everything known, otherwise, you cannot know the unknown,” he said in the video posted by Krishnamurti Foundation Trust.

According to the late philosopher, meditation is not the “discipline of suppression or conformity”, but it is the discipline that comes where there is an observation of thought.

“That observation brings about its own extraordinary, subtle discipline. That is absolutely necessary,” he mentioned.

So, when is a good time to meditate? “You can do it any time. When sitting in a bus, watch, observe, be attentive what is happening around you, what is happening in yourself, aware of the whole movement. A meditative mind is a silent mind. The silence is not the product of suppression of noise, it is not the opposite of noise. But it comes when the mind has completely understood itself,” he mentioned.

In simple words, he meant that one needs to take away the methods and guidelines and templates from the act of meditation. Rather, initial attention leads to awareness which helps one consciously work on oneself.

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