24 x 7 World News

Manitoba troops prepare to train Ukrainians in U.K., work through language barriers


Manitoba soldiers departing for a mission in the U.K. to train Ukrainian soldiers say the biggest challenge may be language barriers.

Bags belonging to members of the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry were loaded on buses in advance of their journey across the pond Monday. Their goal is to help turn Ukrainian civilians into soldiers as part of the Canadian Armed Forces ongoing operation titled Unifier. 

“I’m very proud of 2PPCLI, focus and drive to accomplish the mission,” said regiment Cpt. Joshua Register.

“It’s somewhat solemn … I would say we were excited but we’re going over there to help people defend their country from a threat.”

He said the biggest challenge of the training will be the language barriers between troops.

A soldier loads a bus transporting troops for their training mission. (Chelsea Kemp/CBC)

Register has been told roughly 10 per cent of the Ukrainians have fluent English skills, and about 30 per cent have passable English skills. The remainder of those being trained will have to use interpreters.

CFB Shilo troops will be in the U.K. for around six months with a company of about 200 troops. 

The operation initially began in 2015 with Canadian soldiers training Ukrainian soldiers in specialized tactics and leadership in their home country, Register said. 

Since the operation began, the Canadian Armed Forces have trained more than 35,000 Ukrainian military and security personnel in battlefield tactics and military skills.

Now the training has been transformed by the Russian invasion, and the latest iteration of the operation launched in July 2022 in the U.K.

Since the beginning of the conflict, members of CFB Shilo have been “champing at the bit” to help.

“We’re just really satisfied and focused on being able to help the conflict in a meaningful way,” Register said.

A soldier walks by a bus taking soldiers on deployment.
Soldiers board a bus on their way to the training deployment. (Chelsea Kemp/CBC)

During the operation, regiment soldiers work with Ukrainians who have no prior military experience to turn them into soldiers.

Soldiers will provide condensed training exercises over 33 days with a focus on marksmanship, and some training in other aspects of combat like medical care and helping civilians.

“This takes people who are a resource there, and turns them into more effective fighters to defend their home,” Register said.

Regiment troops have been practicing and repeating training and drills through interpreters as part of their preparation for deployment. 

A soldier stands in front of a bus that says Canada.
Warrant Officer Shelldon Hawman says training in U.K. will be like the experience Canadian soldiers get — but in a more compressed timeline. (Chelsea Kemp/CBC)

It can be hard to say how the training will go, Register said, until they actually get on the ground and start doing it. 

While Canada is sending over troops to lead the training, he said, soldiers will just be bringing themselves and their gear uniform. All other items for training will be supplied by overseas military partners.

Warrant Officer Shelldon Hawman is part of the continent departing to the U.K. He described the operation as Canada’s commitment to Ukraine.

“No more is it a question whether they’re going to have to go stand the line … at that end of that 33 days they will be sent to their units that are already fighting in the Ukraine,” Hawman said.

Before being posted to Shilo, Hawman spent four years at the 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown in New Brunswick. Hawman said he will be using his experience as a teacher there while in England.

Training the Ukrainians will be no different than training civilians in Canada, he said. The Canadian military takes civilians who join the Canadian Armed Forced and trains them in the same way.

“There’s no real difference in what we’re focusing on the training for the people who will become soldiers. It’s just the time frame’s a little more crunched and the end is a definitive, like you will be going to use these skills,” Hawman said.

For him, the focus will be developing three skills for Ukrainian soldiers — shooting, moving and communication. That includes how to work within a section, move as a section and do weapons training.

“We’ve trained for this as well and spent a lot of time becoming professional soldiers and now all these guys get a chance to pass on that knowledge and hopefully help the people in Ukraine.”

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