West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday again urged Prime Minister Modi to increase oxygen supply to the state for Covid-19 treatment, saying West Bengal will need at least 550 MT medical oxygen within a week. She said the demand had gone up to 470 MT in 24 hours, and warned that any allocation less than the requested amount might lead to deaths.
тАЬAny allocation of medical oxygen less than the requested amount (550 MT) will not only adversely affect the supply of medical oxygen but may also result in loss of lives of patients in the state. Consumption of medical oxygen is increasing rapidly due to an increase in Covid positive cases,тАЭ Banerjee wrote.
She also criticised the Centre for increasing the allocation to other states from medical oxygen produced in West Bengal. She said while the allocation of some states had increased, BengalтАЩs share remained unchanged.