Malaika Arora unveiled a new promo of her upcoming reality show Moving In With Malaika. The teaser features actor Kareena Kapoor and filmmaker Farah Khan as well. In the clip, an emotional Malaika addressed about her separation with ex-husband Arbaaz Khan and got teary eyes as she recalled her life decisions. (Also read: Kareena Kapoor urges BFF Malaika Arora to let her guard down in OTT series Moving In with Malaika)
In the video, Kareena said, “I think she(Malaika) is witty, hot, beautiful and she is rock solid, let’s see if she lets her guard down.” In the clip, Malaika also spoke at an event where her sister Amrita Arora was seen. She told the crowd, “I have moved on, my ex has moved on, when the F will everyone of you.”
In other scenes from the upcoming series, she was seen in between her yoga sessions. In another, she was seen lounging in a pool. While interacting with Farah, teary-eyed Malaika said, “Every decision that I made in my life has been completely worth it. I am happy.” “Aww, you look beautiful even when you cry b****,” Farah said as she consoled her.
Moving In With Malaika promises to show Malaika’s life unfiltered and up close. Her friends and family will be appearing on the show as guests.
Talking about the show, Malaika had earlier said in a statement, “For the longest time, the world has viewed me through the lens of social media. But this time I am excited to shake that up a bit. With this show, I want to break that barrier between me and my fans and invite them into my world through Moving In With Malaika. It will be a fun ride as I take everyone along with me exploring my day to day life with some of my closest family and friends. I am exhilarated to kick start this new venture and delighted to collaborate with Disney+ Hotstar on this.” Moving in with Malaika is produced by Banijay Asia.
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