Makeshift funeral pyres burn bodies in parks as India suffers new case record – 353,000 – World News

Bodies are being burnt in parks while families wait up to 20 hours to honour their dead as India grapples with a devastating Covid crisis, it has been reported.

Grim reports emerged earlier this week with infections hitting a record peak – 352,991 – for the fifth day in a row and with deaths reaching an all-time high of more than 2,800.

During a horrifying second wave in the country, described as a “tsunami”, infected people have been wandering the streets looking for hospitals with open beds.

Morgues have run out of stretchers and trees from parks are being used to burn bodies.

There is also a frantic hunt for oxygen, which is being sold on the black market, to keep seriously ill relatives alive, and people hoarding supplies have sparked panic and shortages in hospitals.

Aid has been sent to the beleaguered country
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

As the crisis deepens reports say that crematoriums in the Indian capital of Delhi are being forced to build makeshift funeral pyres in parks because of a lack of space.

The BBC reports that authorities are also having to fell trees in city parks to use as kindling for makeshift pyres.

Relatives of the dead are also said to have been asked to help out with cremations by piling wood and assisting in rituals.

Reportedly, at least 27 new pyres have been built at the capital’s Sarai Kale Khan crematorium, with dozens more being added at a nearby park.

The Hindustan Times reports that some families are waiting up to 20 hours to honour their dead.

There are reports of a shortage of oxygen
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)
Makeshift pyres are being set up to burn the dead
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Meanwhile, the first batch of British aid has arrived, including much-needed oxygen.

The UK, Germany and the US are sending urgent medical aid – including oxygen and ventilators – to battle the devastating second wave that has spiralled out of control this month.

The country recorded more than 320,000 more cases on Tuesday, and it has been accused of letting its guard down when infections fell after the first wave.

Most public places had reopened and there have been mass election rallies attended by tens of thousands of people, as well as large religious gatherings.

With a population of 1.3 billion, the country has a total of 17.31 million infections and 195,123 deaths since the pandemic began more than a year ago.

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