Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu paid tribute to his father and actor Krishna on his birth anniversary by sharing the title and teaser of his upcoming movie. Taking to his Twitter handle, Mahesh Babu shared the poster and captioned it, “Today is all the more special! This one’s for you Nanna.” In the next post, he unveiled the teaser of the film titled Guntur Kaaram. Sharing the teaser, he wrote, “Highly inflammable! #GunturKaaram.” The film was tentatively titled SSMB28. The movie is slated to hit theatres on January 13, 2024. In the video, Mahesh Babu gets into action with a stick in his hand, as everyone is waiting for him at Mirchi Yard. “Endi Atta Soosthunnav… Beedi 3D Lo Kanabaduthundaa…” thunders Mahesh Babu, as he leans on the ground and lights a beedi with two match sticks. Guntur Kaaram Teaser: Mahesh Babu Wrecks Havoc on Goons in This Sneak Peak of Trivikram Srinivas’ Next.
Mahesh Babu’s Look in Guntur Kaaram
Today is all the more special! This one’s for you Nanna ❤️❤️❤️
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) May 31, 2023
The remaining scenes demonstrate Guntur Kaaram’s enduring appeal to a wide audience by providing a peek of its fiery lead character, who is properly described by the slogan “highly inflammable.” The teaser ended by paying homage to legendary actor Krishna. Helmed by Trivikram Srinivas, previously, the actor and the director collaborated for blockbuster hits Athadu and Khaleja and after the long wait of 12 years, the duo is all set to reunite once again for a big-budget project. SSMB28: Mahesh Babu’s Mass Look From Trivikram Srinivas’ Directorial Unveiled; Film To Release in Theatres on January 13, 2024.
As today is the birth anniversary of veteran actor Ghattamaneni Krishna, one of the top actors of his era. Krishna, originally known as Ghattamaneni Siva Rama Krishna Murthy, did around 350 films. He was also a producer and director. In 2009, he received the Padma Bhushan Award. He entered Telugu cinema with Adurthi Subba Rao’s romantic drama Thene Manasulu in 1965. He passed away on November 15, 2022, in Hyderabad due to health issues.