Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Cabinet on Wednesday has approved the project worth Rs 1,565 crore for rolling out the second phase of Dial-100 services in the state. The second phase of the Integrated Police Call Centre and Control Room System (Dial-100) will be operational from April 2025 to September 2030 (5 years and 6 months).
As many as 1200 First Response Vehicles (FRV) will be launched to respond to emergencies. The Dial-100 service was launched in 2015, modelled after the USA’s 911 emergency service to respond to distress calls from victims seeking police help.
In the second phase, the police plan to upgrade the service by deploying the latest equipment and gadgets to improve response times and efficiency. The officials informed that the technical committee will now prepare specifications of the gadgets to be integrated into the upgraded services. Devices like body-worn and dashboard cameras and other gadgets will be introduced in the second phase. The committee will choose the vehicle models to meet the requirement of the emergency services.
Currently Safari Storme is part of the services. Earlier, Innova and Bolero were selected for the second phase, however, many of the auto companies have launched new models. The committee will study the specifications of all the vehicles and include them in the tender. The tender committee will then finalise the documents accommodating all the required specifications. The tender is likely to be issued by the end of this month.