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Lunar Eclipse 2022 (Chandra Grahan): Which zodiac signs can expect good news | Astrology


Aries: It’s likely that you’ll be on the combative side, which might lead to conflicts at work. Therefore, it is prudent to exercise caution and steer clear of confrontation. Those who work in the business world will have excellent prospects. You will be safe from financial worries. Relationship partners may have ego conflicts; maintaining cool and keeping lines of communication open is recommended. It is advised that you remain active and fit.

Taurus: You’ll do well in other countries. Your career will skyrocket if you already work overseas. During this time, you’ll have a heightened spiritual awareness. Competitors’ attempts to damage your professional reputation can be stressful and unsettling. Those in business should be prepared to put in long hours in order to ensure the smooth running of their enterprise. Domestic concerns require your continued focus on the home front.

Gemini: Big cash gains that improve your financial situation are possible. You’ll have an edge over competitors in your field and make connections with people of stature and influence. Entrepreneurs will find a wealth of new options to grow their businesses as a result of this eclipse. You may be having problems in your romantic relationships due to your egotistical and haughty tendencies.

Cancer: Those that are dedicated to their careers may see a rise in pay. You can expect a salary increase if you’re currently employed or healthy earnings if you run a business at this time. You’ll have a softer spot in your heart for family, but professional commitments will prevent you from devoting as much time as you’d want to them. You need to be cautious about your father’s health and take adequate precautions.

Leo: Everyone you meet will treat you with kindness, and you’ll find yourself actively participating in a variety of social activities. Advice from you would be much appreciated by others around you. It’s important to keep things amicable with your father despite the potential for tension in your relationship. If you need to travel for business purposes, now is a good time to do it. People in business should think things over thoroughly before making any decisions.

Virgo: You’ll have a lot on your plate professionally, and that might be stressful. Unfortunately, there might be certain trips you have to take that you’d rather not. In order to avoid financial trouble, you must watch where your money goes. Avoid doing anything that can get you into trouble with the law or into the public eye for the wrong reasons. Personal issues might cause friction in your connection with the in-laws. Exercise caution with regards to health.

Libra: It’s important to keep your company partner in control and treat them with respect if you’re running it as a partnership. You won’t see a decline in your financial situation, and you may even consider investing part of your money for the future. When it comes to your personal life, it’s important to pay close attention to your significant other so that you can avoid a conflict. Mental tension may be harmful to your health.

Scorpio: Your senior colleagues will point you in the proper path and help you achieve professional success during this eclipse. This is an excellent moment to make a career transition. There are government positions open to students. Be wary, as there is a possibility that you could become embroiled in legal conflicts. In your personal life, you won’t be able to relax and spend time with loved ones because of your hectic schedule.

Sagittarius: During this time, you will become well-known and respected in your field, which might lead to a raise in pay. Your monetary stability will be maintained. Your partner’s professional life will go well if they are employed. It’s possible that your romantic life will experience some strain if your partner’s attitude leads them down a different route. Therefore, it is suggested that you keep your cool and make an effort to comprehend your companion.

Capricorn: Your work life will be prosperous, and you may anticipate hearing some pleasant news. Gaining favour with the government should lead to more business opportunities. Your normal income will not be impacted, but you should avoid making any major investments. Your mother may have health problems, so take extra care of her. The home life will continue to be rather typical. The state of your health requires that you maintain vigilance.

Aquarius: You will be able to complete all of your projects on schedule, and you will be given responsibility for the most challenging tasks. Assuming you have invested well in the past, you may see a financial return on those efforts. Enjoyable personal travel plans involve taking a few days off. Except for your younger siblings, you will get along well with everyone else. In terms of your health, watch out for respiratory issues.

Pisces: You should be cautious with money if you’re feeling financially constrained. Expenses associated with raising a family are also expected to rise. It’s possible that your work relationships may suffer because of your tendency to use unpleasant language. You will be able to wrap up all of the loose ends at home that have been bothering you. There’s a chance you have a health issue related to your teeth or ears.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

Email: info@astrozindagi.in, neeraj@astrozindagi.in

Url: www.astrozindagi.in

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