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Lucas Lee-Tyson: The Young Online Advertising Pro Who Sharpened His Expertise and Now Shares It With Many Others : Reports


Raising the bar high for online advertisers by sharing his Facebook Ad expertise online.

Facebook Ads are one of the quickest ways and most efficient channels to start bringing in traffic to a website or an offer. Unlike SEO which normally takes weeks or even months to start getting you results, Facebook Ad campaigns can right away start getting you clicks and results within an hour. Setting the standards high on Facebook Advertising expertise online is the young entrepreneur with a brilliant mind and founder of Growth Cave, Lucas Lee-Tyson.

While studying Business Management and Entrepreneurship in college, Lucas Lee-Tyson already started hustling to earn money by ranking YouTube videos online. Failing to make much money out of it, Lucas decided to try multiple online business models. Struggling to succeed in any of the business models he tried, like Dropshipping, trading stocks, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, and a few more, Lucas continued fiddling around with other business models until he discovered the “Agency” business model.

After landing his first high-ticket client and earning his first 6-figure income in his first year, Lucas then continued sharpening his online advertising knowledge and skills even further. Taking things further, he then evolved his business from a done-for-you marketing campaign management model to a training and consulting company for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start and grow their businesses online.

In a guest post about Facebook Ads that he submitted to RankXL, Lucas Lee-Tyson shared a successful case study of a Facebook Ad campaign he ran for a personal finance blog. Here, he explains the wondrous possibility and profitability of the pay-per-click model which gives you an incredibly broad range of targeting options. This one piece of the blog says a lot about how much of an expert he is in online advertising. Lucas displayed in great detail how Facebook Ads need to be set up and managed effectively to make the most conversions out of your campaigns. This only goes to show how skilled and proficient he is in the field of online advertising.

A piece of advice that Lucas Lee-Tyson would like everyone to take is to just keep diving in and always take action. Many aspiring individuals get stuck in “information-gathering mode” and never really make any sort of progress or developments because they get paralyzed and wouldn’t know what to do next with all the information they have gathered. Oftentimes, you don’t need to rely on more YouTube video tutorials or read more online blogs from successful business owners, you just need to focus and then just go for it.

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