Locked in a tussle with uncle Pashupati Kumar Paras over the control of Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), Chirag Paswan is set to hold a roadshow (called ‘Ashirvaad Yatra’) in Bihar starting Monday. He will begin the roadshow from Hajipur, the constituency Chirag’s father and LJP founder represented eight times since 1977. Chirag’s uncle Pashupati Kumar Paras and leader of the rebel faction currently represents the constituency in Lok Sabha.
“We have a small programme to observe the birth anniversary in Delhi and after that, I will fly to Patna and go directly to Hajipur from the airport,” Chirag said on Sunday.
He also said that the ‘Ashirvaad Yatra’ is being organised to seek “blessings of the people”. “In Hajipur, everyone knows how passionate my father was about Hajipur’s people. I will seek their blessings to kick start the yatra.”
“I will be at my father’s karmbhoomi to embark on a new mission to do whatever I could for my state. I had presented my vision for Bihar even during assembly elections and got good responses despite not getting seats, and I will continue doing so,” Chirag said ahead of the roadshow.
The first leg of Ashirvad Yatra will cover 12-13 districts. “After the first phase, there will be a second phase and in the next one and half months, I will cover the entire state and it will culminate as a National Council Meeting in Patna,” he also informed.
The roadshow is being seen as the beginning of a new politics by Chirag, who is often accused of operating from Delhi and not spending much time in his home state.
Earlier in June, a faction of LJP, led by the younger brother of Ram Vilas Paswan, removed his estranged nephew from the post of party chief. Paras was also recognised in Lok Sabha after five of the six-party MPs gave a letter in his support.
Chirag Paswan has termed the election “illegal” as it was conducted by members of the LJP who were suspended from the party. However, from the rebels’ side, it has been reported that they have not been happy with the style of functioning of Chirag, who took over the party reins after his father, LJP founder and former Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan died in 2020.
On Sunday as well, Sanjay Saraf, a leader of the faction said that the party got “weak” when Chirag Paswan was the chief of the party.