Lamborghini driver Alexander Campbell spared jail over crash that killed Adelaide teen Sophia Naismith

An Adelaide man who lost control of a high-powered Lamborghini, killing a teenage pedestrian after it mounted a kerb, has been spared an immediate jail sentence.

In the South Australian District Court today, Alexander Campbell was given a four-month and 27-day sentence after pleading guilty to aggravated driving without due care.

But Judge Paul Muscat suspended the term, placing him on a good behaviour bond as well as ordering him to perform 200 hours of community service.

Alexander Campbell (right) leaves the Adelaide Magistrates Court in 2019. (AAP)

Campbell will also remain banned from driving for another year.

In August, Muscat acquitted the 35-year-old on a more serious charge of causing death by dangerous driving after a trial by judge alone.

Sophia Naismith, 15, died when Campbell’s Lamborghini Huracan mounted a kerb and struck her and a friend before crashing into the door of a restaurant in June 2019.

The two girls had been walking along a footpath at the time.

In reasons for his verdict, Muscat said it was not suggested Campbell was speeding, affected by alcohol or drugs or that the road conditions played a role in the crash.

Campbell was spared jail, given a suspended sentence for aggravated driving without due care after losing control of his Lamborghini, killing 15-year-old Sophia Naismith in 2019. (9News)

He said the issue was why Campbell lost control and whether that amounted to dangerous driving.

At his trial, prosecutors contended Campbell accelerated harshly causing the powerful rear-wheel-drive car to swerve severely to the left.

But in an interview with police, the 37-year-old said when he changed gear while accelerating up to the 60km/h speed limit the wheels started spinning and the Lamborghini moved sideways instantly.

Campbell said he panicked as he was unable to stop the car from sliding, even though he was applying the brakes.

Sophia Naismith, 15, was killed when she was struck by the Lamborghini. (Supplied)

At the time he was driving in sport mode with the electronic stability system deactivated making the Lamborghini’s handling more unpredictable.

As he was aware of those handling issues, Muscat said Campbell should have taken extra care.

But the judge said he was unable to form a conclusion as to whether the acceleration was harsh or something less.

Outside court, Sophia’s family said they were sickened and appalled by the sentence and would never understand how someone could kill an innocent pedestrian and not go to jail.

“This case has tragically highlighted a broken system that is stacked in favour of the accused and not the victims,” her father Luke told reporters.

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