Karnataka’s Information Technology and Biotechnology minister Priyank Kharge said that the state government is not very keen on the Bommasandra-Hosur metro project which is under consideration. If approved, this will be South India’s first interstate metro line as Hosur which is roughly 25 kilometers to Bengaluru, falls in Tamil Nadu.
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Speaking to the Indian Express, Priyank Kharge said that this project might affect the economic activities and investment prospects of Bengaluru as there is a chance of shift in businesses to Tamil Nadu’s Hosur. He said, “We are not against any infrastructure projects, but this interstate project might lead to consequences where Bengaluru might lose investment opportunities. Human resources and investment opportunities have been our major strengths and we cannot lose them. The government will respond to this after considering various factors.”
Compared to the IT capital Bengaluru, the cost of living is cheaper in Hosur, including the housing and real estate sectors. Having a metro connection to this Tamil Nadu town might lead to the shift of many industries and companies from Bengaluru.
The report also stated that the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) is already preparing a tender document for this project and seeking a consultant to conduct a feasibility study for Hosur- Bommasandra metro line. The Bommasandra metro falls under the yellow line of Bengaluru Metro’s phase 2 project. According to the Karnataka government, the yellow line in Bengaluru will be operational by December this year.