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Kremlin critic’s lawyer says Kara-Murza stable in prison hospital after ‘bogus excuses’ delayed access


A lawyer for imprisoned Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza found his health was “relatively stable” after visiting him in a prison hospital where he had been held incommunicado for several days, the dissident’s legal team said Wednesday. 

Kara-Murza, 42, a dual Russian-U.K. citizen, is serving a 25-year prison sentence on treason charges that he has rejected as politically motivated. The charges against him stemmed from public remarks that were harshly critical of the Kremlin.

His arrest in April 2022, weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, came as authorities ratcheted up their crackdown on dissent to levels unseen since Soviet times.

His lawyers tried to visit him last Thursday in Penal Colony No. 6 in the Siberian city of Omsk, where he was serving time, but they were told that he had been transferred to a prison hospital for an unspecified “examination,” according to his wife, Evgenia Kara-Murza, and lawyer Vadim Prokhorov.

For several days after that, they were denied access to the politician over “bogus excuses” from hospital staff, Prokhorov said in an online statement Tuesday.

On Wednesday, one of Kara-Murza’s lawyers was finally able to visit him, Prokhorov said in a new statement. His health is currently relatively stable, the attorney said, adding that the exact reasons for the examination at the hospital are being clarified. Prokhorov didn’t offer any other details. 

WATCH | Imprisoned Kremlin critic is alive. His wife calls it a ‘respite,’ but danger remains: 

Wife of imprisoned Kremlin critic grateful to know her husband is alive

Lawyers for imprisoned Russian opposition critic Vladimir Kara-Murza have confirmed he is alive, after a week of being unable to contact him. His wife, Evgenia Kara-Murza, says the knowledge is a ‘small respite,’ but knows her husband isn’t out of danger.

Evgenia Kara-Murza told CBC News Network that while her husband is alive, he is not necessarily out of harm’s way.

“Any political prisoner in today’s Russia risks his or her life, behind bars, on a daily basis,” she said Wednesday.

She said the media attention her husband’s case attracted was critical to his lawyers being able to see him.

“I believe that it is the international pressure … that helped us actually get access,” Evgenia Kara-Murza said.

She and her husband’s lawyers have repeatedly sounded the alarm about his health deteriorating in prison. In 2015 and 2017, Kara-Murza suffered two near-fatal poisonings and developed polyneuropathy, a condition that deadens the feeling in his limbs. 

Prokhorov stressed in his statement Wednesday that polyneuropathy is a serious chronic disease that prevents Kara-Murza from serving time in a correctional facility. 

‘For having the courage to tell the truth’

A spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada told CBC News in an email statement that “Canada continues to deplore Russia for the guilty verdict of Mr. Kara-Murza and their rejection of his appeal.”

“Mr. Kara-Murza stands as a symbol of the courageous and principled defence of democratic values and human rights. Russia’s attempts to silence people of conscience only makes their voices more powerful.”

A balding man is shown in closeup behind bars.
A lawyer for Kara-Murza, pictured at a hearing at the Basmanny court in Moscow in 2022, was recently granted access to him in a prison hospital. His wife says that likely would not have happened had his case not received international media attention. (Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP/Getty Images)

British and U.S. officials on Wednesday reiterated calls for Kara-Murza’s immediate release and expressed concern that his lawyers were denied access to him.

“Vladimir is being held in deplorable conditions in prison for having the courage to tell the truth about the war in Ukraine,” Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy said in a statement. 

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow also said in a statement on X that “speaking the truth and one’s conscience is a right guaranteed by the Russian constitution, and which sadly continues to be oppressed by the Kremlin’s ongoing and increasing crackdown on dissent.” 

“Kara-Murza is a hero, not a criminal,” the embassy said. 

Asked by The Associated Press whether the Kremlin has any plans to release ailing political prisoners like Kara-Murza, akin to what President Vladimir Putin’s ally Alexander Lukashenko recently did in neighbouring Belarus, spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday there were no such plans “at this time.”

Held in solitary confinement 

Kara-Murza is serving the stiffest sentence handed to a Kremlin critic in modern Russia. He has denounced the prosecution against him as punishment for standing up to Putin and likened the proceedings to the show trials under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

WATCH | Kara-Murza gets 25 years: 

Russian journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza given 25-year treason sentence

Russian journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza remains defiant after being sentenced to 25 years for treason, telling the court that one day ‘Russia would be free.’ The vocal Kremlin critic has already survived two suspected poisonings but his family remains worried about his health and what could be done to him in prison.

His wife said he continues to be held in solitary confinement, a practice common for imprisoned Kremlin critics and widely viewed as designed to put additional pressure on them. 

Kara-Murza rose to prominence as a journalist and has written columns as a contributor for the Washington Post from his prison cell. He won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary earlier this year. He has been declared a political prisoner by Russia’s prominent human rights group Memorial, and officials in the West have repeatedly called for his release. 

Moves to neutralize the opposition and stifle criticism intensified significantly after the start of the Ukraine war, including the passage of a law effectively criminalizing any public expression about the conflict that deviates from the Kremlin line. 

The legislation, which outlaws “spreading false information” about the Russian army or “discrediting it,” has been used against opposition politicians, human rights activists and ordinary Russians critical of the Kremlin, with many receiving long prison terms.

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