Know Yoga Asana Names in Sanskrit and English Ahead of International Day of Yoga 2021: From Shirshasana to Virabhadrasana; Practice These Yoga Poses in the Comfort of Your Home
International Day of Yoga is around the corner and people across the world are excited to observe the global event. Every year, the global community come together to celebrate International Day of Yoga on June 21. The occasion of International Day of Yoga focuses on health, be it physical, mental, or emotional, and educate people about its significance in daily life. This year, the official theme of International Day of Yoga is “Yoga for well-being”. If you are fond of fitness and looking for some of the important Yoga asanas which you can practise at home, you are at the right place.
Be it in a standing position, seating, bending forward/backwards, or reclining postures, several types of yoga asanas can be tried at home. At Today News 24, we bring you the list of most popular and easy Yoga exercises, along with their Sanskrit and English names, which you can practise easily on the occasion of International Day of Yoga.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 1: Sukhasana
One of the easiest Yoga asanas any individual can perform is Sukhasana. In this, the person sits cross-legged simply, with his hands placed firmly around the knees. It is useful in meditation.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 2: Shirshasana | English: Yoga Headstand
Shirshasana is one of the toughest Yoga asanas one can try. It is considered both an asana and mudra in hatha yoga as well. In this inverted asana, the individual has to balance their body on the head. It is said to be the king of all yoga asanas.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 3: BaddhaKonasana | English: Butterfly/Cobbler’s Pose
BaddhaKonasana, also popularly known as Bhadrasana or Throne Pose, is a seated Yoga asana in hatha yoga which is suitable for meditation. There are several variations to this exercise, which are helpful during the pregnancy period too.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 4: Gomukhasana | English: Cow Face Pose
It may seem a little tough at the beginning, but with adequate practice, anyone can perform the Gomukhasana well. Not only it helps in meditation, but the seated Yoga Asana helps in sharpening your focus as well.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 5: Virabhadrasana | English: Warrior Pose
Described as one of the most iconic poses in Yoga, the Virabhadrasana pose is a bunch of similarly lunging standing Yoga asanas. The Warrior Pose is a tribute to the ancient Hindu mythical warrior ‘Virbhadra’.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 6: Bhujangasana | English: Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana is an exercise that is performed by lying on your stomach and lunging backwards. The reclining back-bending Yoga asana also happens to be one of the 12 poses in the Surya Namaskar cycle.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 7: Tadasana | English: Mountain Pose
Tadasana is one of the most common yoga asanas. It forms the basis of several other yoga exercises. Also popularly known as the Mountain Pose, the Tadasana allows the body to warm and integrate your senses all at one place in your body.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 8: Vajrasana | English: Thunderbolt Pose
Popularly called the Diamond Pose in the hatha yoga, Vajrasana is a kneeling asana. For someone fond of health and fitness, should definitely give this Vajrasana Yoga asana try, daily. It is highly beneficial.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 9: Ashtanga Namaskara | English: Caterpillar Pose
Also called as Eight-Limbed Pose and Chest, Knees and Chin Pose, Ashtanga Namaskara is a Yoga Asana where the body has to be balanced on 8 different points at one go. It is also one of the 12 important steps that form the Surya Namaskar.
International Day of Yoga 2021 Asana # 10: Shavasana | English: Corpse Pose
Well, we have kept the best for the last. Jokes apart! This is one of the most relaxing and soothing Yoga asanas which everyone should try, and most probably end their Yoga workouts with. It is an ideal yoga asana for yoga Nidra meditation.
It was under India’s leadership that the resolution to recognise International Yoga Day was passed in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. A record 175 nations voted in favour of India, at the 69th Assembly Session. To know more about the occasion of International Yoga Day 2021, click here.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jun 18, 2021 02:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website