Kim Sharma was amongst the actors who marked their big film debut with YRF’s Mohabbatein. The multi-starrer that had biggies like Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan in its star cast, the movie was a sensation at the box office. However, Kim’s acting career didn’t take off as expected. She later made headlines for her personal reasons – her romantic relationship with cricketer Yuvraj Singh and later her marriage to Kenya-based businessman Ali Punjani which didn’t last very long. Kim Sharma Wishes Beau Leander Paes On Their First Anniversary, Shares Romantic Pictures And Video On Social Media.
Post Kim’s divorce, she returned to India to start her own business and not venture into acting again. And ever since her return, Kim’s Instagram is filled with pictures from her different holidays. While she loves exploring cities, Kim is still a beach lover at heart and her vacation pictures are proof of it. From the pretty beaches of Goa to the serene locales of Maldives, beach destinations are always a hot favourite with Ms Sharma and it only proves her love for beaches further. To give you a peek inside her holiday album, let’s have a look at some of her best clicks below. Kim Sharma Birthday: Swimwear Pictures of the ‘Mohabbatein’ Beauty That Are Too Hot To Handle.
Kim’s Own Golden Bikini Moment!
Always By the Seaside
Sea Makes Her the Happiest
Let the Sun Shine!
Happy Birthday, Kim Sharma!
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 21, 2023 10:33 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website