New Delhi: Sony Entertainment Television’s iconic quiz show, Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC), is celebrating a remarkable 25-year journey of inspiring millions, with the Gyan Ka Rajat Mahotsav kicking off on January 20. The special anniversary segment promises a perfect blend of nostalgia, excitement, and emotional moments that have defined the show over the years. One of the most memorable guests to return for this grand occasion is none other than Babita Tade, fondly known as Khichdi Kaku, the crorepati who captured the hearts of the nation.
As part of the new Kahani Jeet Ki segment, KBC will highlight extraordinary stories of triumph and transformation. Babita Tade’s inspiring story stands as a testament to the power of resilience and change. A few years ago, she was simply a cook preparing khichdi for children at a school. Today, she is not only a teacher at that very school but also a symbol of empowerment, particularly for women who may feel constrained by their circumstances.
Her journey exemplifies the profound impact KBC has had on people’s lives. “Five years ago, after winning, the self-confidence I gained has stayed with me throughout my life. KBC gave me this self-confidence,” Babita shared as she returned to the hot seat, greeted warmly by KBC host Amitabh Bachchan. Mr. Bachchan, who has always been an admirer of Babita’s journey, praised her, saying, “She never forgot her responsibilities, even after winning.”
Reflecting on her incredible transformation, Babita said, “My whole life changed after KBC. Everything I have been able to do and all the respect I have gotten is after the show.” She went on to express her gratitude, congratulating the entire KBC team for 25 years of success and for helping countless individuals turn their dreams into reality.
The inspiring story of Babita Tade serves as a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to transform your life. Join her, along with other special moments, as Kaun Banega Crorepati celebrates its 25th anniversary with Gyan Ka Rajat Mahotsav—every Monday to Friday at 9:00 PM on Sony Entertainment Television.