Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 5 (ANI): Kannada star Yash, who shot to nationwide fame with ‘KGF’ franchise, took to Instagram to post an adorable video with his little son Yatharv on Sunday. In the video, the little one is telling his father that his (Yash’s) biceps are soft, while his are hard. Yash captioned the video, “This is Conviction. That’s my boy.” Actor Yash’s Fans Gather Outside His Residence, Video of the KGF Star Hugging and Clicking Pics With Them Goes Viral.
Netizens showered their love on the father-son story. One fan wrote, “Only he can say this. Much love.” Another one wrote, “Such a cuteeeee video.”Yash recieved global acclaim and admiration with KGF Chapter 2, which also starred Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon. Al Burj Tower Lights Up for Superstar Yash on His 37th Birthday (Watch Video).
KGF Star Yash With Son Yatharv
Directed by Prashant Neel, the pan-India film was released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages. The film garnered a massive response from the audience and minted over Rs 500 crore at the Indian box office post the Covid-19 pandemic. Yash will next be seen in KGF Chapter 3.
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