National award-winning film director Kaushik Ganguly on Wednesday said he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently in home isolation. Ganguly had recently gone to Bolpur for outdoor shooting for his new project Kabaddi Kabaddi and had returned to Kolkata two days back. “It caught up with me. In spite of taking all precautions while shooting, I’ve tested positive with mild symptoms,” the Nagarkirtan director said on Twitter. Kaushik Ganguly’s ‘Lokkkhi Chhele’ Premieres at South African Film Festival.
“Currently in home isolation under Dr. Rajib Seal. Requesting those who came in touch with me in the last 7 days to get themselves tested. Humanity will win,” he said. The friends and followers of the 52-year-old filmmaker wished him a speedy recovery. The director is known for acclaimed films in Bengali cinema such as Shabdo, Jyeshthoputro, Chotoder Chobi, Cinemawala and Bisorjon among others. Directors Srijit Mukherji, Kaushik Ganguly Win Big in Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla.
Check Out Kaushik Ganguly’s Tweet Below:
Finally, it caught up with me.
Inspite of taking all precautions while shooting, I’ve tested positive with mild symptoms. Currently in home isolation under Dr. Rajib Sil. Requesting those who came in touch with me in the last 7 days to get themselves tested. Humanity will win.
— Kaushik Ganguly (@KGunedited) April 28, 2021
He had recently completed shooting for his first Hindi work Manohar Pandey. In past one week, Bengali film hero Jeet, actors Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Subhasree Ganguly and Parno Mittra, were diagnosed with COVID-19 and all are in home isolation.
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