The registration for Congress led Karnataka government’s Gruha Jyoti scheme which provides free electricity of 200 units was opened on June 18 and over 51 lakh people have already registered for the scheme. Gruha Jyoti is one Congress’ five poll promises before the assembly elections which was won by the grand old party in the month of May.
Also Read – Gruha Jyothi scheme: Karnataka govt sees 55k consumer registration on first day
What is Gruha Jyoti?
Gruha Jyoti was the first poll promise to the people of Karnataka by the Congress party. In January this year, the Congress party announced, “To help Kannadigas fight the onslaught of price rise and save up for essentials such as food, education for children, and healthcare, the Congress on coming to power would provide 200 units electricity, free of cost, to every household in Karnataka.”
Who is eligible for Gruha Jyoti?
All the residential households of Karnataka whose monthly electricity usage is less than the average monthly consumption for the previous financial year + 10% are eligible to avail this scheme. It also applies for tenants in the state and even those who are living on rental houses can register for free electricity of 200 units. However, if the monthly electricity consumption is more than 200 units, the household is supposed to pay the bill for entire electricity consumed.
How to register for Gruha Jyoti?
People can open the custom page for this scheme at Karnataka government’s sevasindhu portal and upload the scanned copies of Aadhar and customer ID as mentioned on the electricity bill to register for the scheme. The registrations can also be done through offline mode by walking into nearby ‘Bangalore One’, ‘Grama One’ and ‘Karnataka One’ centers. For all additional queries, people can call the 24/7 toll-free number 1912.