24 x 7 World News

Karnataka government withdraws no-detention policy for Classes 5, 8 students | Bengaluru


The Karnataka government on Tuesday announced the withdrawal of the no-detention policy for the students of Classes 5 and 8 in the state from the next year. The students now need to pass their annual examinations to get promoted to further grades, according to the latest detention policy.

A statement released by Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) read, “There shall be a regular examination in the fifth and in the eight class at the end of every academic year. If a child fails in examination, he/she is given additional instruction and granted opportunity for re-examination within a period of two months from the date of declaration of the result. “

The annual examinations for the students of Classes 5 and 8 will be conducted from March 9 to 17. Teachers will evaluate the examination papers between March 21 and 28.

The statement also said the results of these examinations are likely to be declared between April 8 and 10. The board will also prepare model question papers for annual exams and distribute them in schools before the second week of January.

The guidelines also stated that the registration for annual examinations will be done by the headmasters of schools in the state.

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