Actor Karisma Kapoor recently travelled to the mountains to enjoy a laidback holiday amid the lush greenery, beautiful sunsets and the river Ganges. Karisma shared several pictures from her vacation on Instagram today with the caption, “The beauty of the mountains.” It shows the star posing on the banks of the river Ganga and smiling at the camera. She wore a beauteous light pink anarkali suit set for the images and looked gorgeous in the traditional ensemble. Check out what Karisma wore inside.
Karisma Kapoor is as beautiful as the mountain in new pictures
On Tuesday, Karisma Kapoor shared photos from her holiday in the mountains. While in most of the pictures, Karisma posed on the river bank with a holy tilak on her forehead, one of the pictures shows her sitting nearby a diya. Dressed in a light pink anarkali suit, Karisma looks ethereal in the latest post. Her ensemble features a long anarkali kurti, matching pants and a net dupatta. She styled the ethnic look with minimal glam and accessories. See Karisma’s post below. (Also Read | Karisma Kapoor is all about ‘staying wild’ in quirky floral blazer and pants set for photoshoot in Dubai: Check out pics)
Regarding the design, Karisma’s anarkali kurti features a floral embroidered sheer overlay, Chikankari work on the neckline, scalloped detailing on the borders, a cinched waist and quarter-length sleeves. She wore it with embroidered straight-fitted pants and gota patti-adorned zari dupatta draped on the shoulders.
Karisma left her wavy tresses open in a side parting to give finishing touches to the outfit. Lastly, she chose pink lip shade, glowing skin, blushed cheeks, a broad-strap watch, stacked bracelets, and embellished juttis to style her simple yet classy traditional avatar.
Earlier, Karisma had posted pictures of her jet-set look from the airport on Instagram. She captioned the post, “Mondaying #ootd #dadstyle.” It shows her dressed in a black blazer, a white top, and beige baggy-fit pants styled with chunky sneakers, a baseball cap, a leather belt, and a leather bag.
What do you think of Karisma’s outfits?
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