Kareena Kapoor is the epitome of casual fashion for us. The actor keeps slaying it in style with every snippet from her fashion diaries on her Instagram profile. Kareena recently made headlines as she walked the red carpet at Red Sea International Film Festival in Saudi Arabia. Kareena attended the film festival with husband and actor Saif Ali Khan. The second edition of the film festival held in Jeddah was a star-studded affair as it saw attendance from the Bollywood A-listers such as Shah Rukh khan, Kajol, Priyanka Chopra and many others. Kareena made her fans drool with her sartorial sense of fashion in Jeddah.
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The actor is freshly back from Saudi Arabia. On Tuesday, the actor was photographed by paparazzi in Mumbai as she stepped out of her home to tick off weekday duties. Kareena’s weekday fashion has our heart. Kareena believes in effortlessly being stylish with her sartorial sense of fashion. Kareena is often spotted with her sons Taimur and Jehangir in Mumbai. From having a fun play date with Taimur to stepping out with her coffee in hand, Kareena knows how to keep her fashion casual, all the while making fashion lovers scurry to take notes. On Tuesday, Kareena gave us fresh fashion goals for the middle of the week as she decked up in the classic combination of white and denim. Kareena picked a white sweatshirt with full sleeves and a minimal graphic print. She teamed it with a pair of blue denims with wide legs. Take a look at her attire here:
Kareena added more casual vibes to her look with tinted shades and white flip flops. With her coffee mug in one hand and her phone in another, the actor wore her tresses open in dewy look as she walked towards her car. In minimal makeup of drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks and a shade of bright red lipstick, Kareena topped the fashion game, yet again.
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