Actor Shahid Kapoor on Sunday celebrated 12 years of his action-drama “Kaminey” and credited the Vishal Bhardwaj directorial for breaking the “sweet guy” stereotype for him. Released on August 14, 2009, “Kaminey” featured Kapoor in a double role and followed the rivalry between a pair of twins — Charlie who lisps and Guddu who stutters– over the course of a single day.The Mumbai underworld-set film marked a turning point for Kapoor, who received widespread acclaim for his performance. 10 Years of Kaminey: ‘Vishal Bhardwaj Film Would Have Been a Bigger Hit Today’ Says Chandan Roy Sanyal.
“Kaminey” was also a departure for the actor, who had till then starred in romantic roles in films like “Ishq Vishk”, “Kismat Konnection”, “Chup Chup Ke”, “Jab We Met” and “Vivah”. “12 years ago this film allowed me to express myself as an actor. Not face… not that cute boy next door not that done to death ‘I’m such a sweet guy good guy please like me’ rubbish,” Kapoor, 40, wrote on Instagram. EXCLUSIVE! Sara Ali Khan Confirmed In Shahid Kapoor Starrer ‘Kaminey 2’?
The “Kabir Singh” star said “Kaminey” was a film of many firsts for him. “My first double role. My first shot at a ‘kamina’ no holds barred. A straight out performing part. This was when it all started. So this one will always be special,” he added. “Kaminey” cemented a partnership between Kapoor and Bhardwaj, who went on to collaborate on the acclaimed “Haider” (2014) and “Rangoon” in 2017.
Check Out Shahid Kapoor’s Instagram Story Below:
Shahid Kapoor’s Instagram Story (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Check Out Chandan Roy Sanyal’s Instagram Post Below:
The film also starred Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Amole Gupte and Chandan Roy Sanyal. Sanyal, who featured in “Kaminey” as Mikhail, took to Instagram on Saturday and said he has nothing but “gratitude” for the film. “Mikhail turned 12 today. ‘Kaminey’ by Mr Vishal Bhardwaj released today in 2009, there was no instagram then. #gratitude,” he posted.
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