After suffering multiple injuries, Bollywood’s popular playback singer Jubin Nautiyal is said to be recovering. According to the “Tum Hi Aana” singer’s team, Jubin underwent an operation on his right arm. He is discharged from the hospital and is doing fine now. Earlier on Friday, the 33-year-old fell down the stairs and was injured. He broke his elbow, cracked his ribs and hurt his head after the unfortunate incident, as per the “Manike” singer’s team. Jubin Nautiyal Suffer Multiple Injuries After Falling Down Stairs; Singer Broke His Elbow and Cracked His Ribs.
Jubin’s fans took to Twitter to send their wishes to the “Lut Gaye” singer. “Get well soon brother,” a user wrote. “Praying for MY KING’S speedy recovery from all the wounds, toxicities and negativities,” another user wrote. Jubin Nautiyal Gets Injured In Accident, Singer To Undergo Surgery.
The “Dil Pe Zakhm” singer appeared on stage at a Dubai concert last week. His latest songs include “Bana Sharabi” from Vicky Kaushal-starrer Govinda Naam Mera and “Saath Hum Rahein” from Ajay Devgn-starrer Drishyam 2. He also recently collaborated with Sri Lankan singer Yohani of “Manike mage Hithe” fame on his original single “Tu Saamne Aaye“.