After Joshimath in Uttarakhand, panic has gripped locals in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh as cracks appeared in homes of several people in Aligarh. A video showing cracks developing in a few houses in Aligarh have gone viral on social media. According to reports, cracks have appeared in about five houses in Aligarh’s Kanwariganj area. Reportedly, the locals suspect the cracks could be due to leakage from the sewer line. Reports also suggest that a pipeline that was laid under the state government’s Smart City initiative is now leaking, thus leading to cracks in several homes. Viral Video: Youth Celebrates Birthday by Cutting Cake With Pistol in UP’s Aligarh.
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Cracks have developed in few houses in UP’s Aligarh. Locals blame leakage from the sewer line to be the reason.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) January 11, 2023
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