Jen Shah Shares Second Update From Prison: ‘I Think This Has To Be A Dream’

By Anita Tai.

Jen Shah is opening up about her incarceration.

The “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” alum began serving her six-and-a-half year federal prison sentence at the end of February, for her role in a nationwide telemarketing scam.

Shah has been sharing updates on her time with Instagram journal entries, detailing the harsh reality of prison life.

She shared a new entry on Friday, revealing she made a new friend.

“Kashanna, whose nickname is Special K, also surrendered with me yesterday. We’ve kind of stuck together the first full day as we both walked in shocked, stunned and scared trying to figure out where we go from here,” she began her post.

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It seemed Special K was taking care of her as she made sure to bring Shah some food from the common area as well as teach her how to use her phone.

Despite having made a new alliance, Shah also felt incredibly alone at night as she faced the harsh reality of her situation.

“I cried silently sitting on my top bunk bed last night pretending to fall asleep reading a book, but in reality my chest was hurting as if my heart had broken in a million pieces,” she said. “I laid in the dark alone with my thoughts of having to say goodbye to my family – to my sweet husband and boys.”

The darkness gave Shah time for silent contemplation at least as she reflected on the road to incarceration.

“As I stare into the dark, I think this has to be a dream – but here I am. I keep thinking this is insane, complete ridiculous. Why am I here?” she continued. “I mean, I know why I’m here, but this just feels like someone like me doesn’t belong here. I’ve never been in trouble before. Then I instantly stop myself from going down this self-destructive path of thinking. I am here because of my bad decisions. I am here because I did this to myself and there is no one to blame but me.”

‘Real Housewives’ Star Jen Shah Begins Her 6-Year Prison Sentence

The reality star left fans with a positive note, promising to endure the rest of her prison sentence.

“I am trying to stay patient and not get frustrated. I must learn to focus on what I can and cannot control. That will be the key to my adjustment,” she added. “I am not alone in my struggles and I must remember that on days where I want to just see my husband and children.”

Shah shares 28-year-old Sharrieff Jr. and 19-year-old Omar with her husband Sharrieff.

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