Jeff Kennett warns Victoria’s lockdown could stretch into next year

Former Premier Jeff Kennett says he’s been told a briefing to food chiefs has hinted the lockdown will continue into 2022. It comes as Victorians share their pandemic pain.

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Former Premier Jeff Kennett has been told by “well-placed sources” in the country’s food distribution sector that Victoria’s lockdown will last until 2022 and Victorians will have to live with a “tightening” of Covid restrictions until the new year.

That “tightening of restrictions” includes access to shopping, distances from home and length of time out of the home, according to Mr Kennett.

In an interview with the Saturday Herald Sun Mr Kennett said he had been contacted by food industry executives who told him they had been briefed by the Victorian Government because food supply would become a “big issue” in an extended lockdown.

Mr Kennett also said regional areas including those “around Shepparton” would be forced into lockdown after he was provided a document that purportedly canvassed options for new restrictions during the state’s Delta outbreak.

Seventeen Covid cases were detected in Shepparton on Friday night and the government has flagged the region could join Melbourne in lockdown as early as Saturday.

Mr Kennett told the Saturday Herald Sun: “I think this is appalling. The test will be at 80% vaccination. What will Dan Andrews do when we get to 80% full vaccination? He won’t guarantee that.” Mr Kennett was referring to the rate at which the country would re-open, according to guidance by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

A Victoria government spokesperson declined to comment specifically about Mr Kennett’s lockdown claims.


Regional Victoria is set to be plunged back into lockdown and Melbourne’s 5.1 million residents are facing a new round of harsher restrictions.

A cut in outside exercise time, a total closure of the construction industry, restricting childcare to essential workers and new travel limits were under consideration by the state government on Friday night.

The Saturday Herald Sun understands a ban on takeaway coffee and food and locking down residents in hot spots until they test negative were also options discussed to fight an emerging third wave of the coronavirus.

Premier Daniel Andrews and ministers were locked in talks on Friday afternoon and had considered making an ­announcement about new ­restrictions on Friday night, but decided to wait for new case numbers overnight.

Read the full story here


Victorians have told of the pain of yet another lockdown. Read below for stories from a retired schoolteacher, a university student, beauty salon owner and care worker.

Ian Blencowe, 80, retired schoolteacher

Early in 2020, my wife commenced treatment for a melanoma, a small spot on her head. The treatments started as fortnightly visits to Peninsula Private Hospital in Frankston from our home in the Dandenong Ranges.

When the first lockdown occurred, we didn’t know if the treatments could continue. But they did, fortunately, for therapeutic reasons.

Various treatments followed throughout 2020 and 2021, meaning we had to leave home to attend medical appointments, but the remainder of our time was spent at home.

We both remained actively involved in local community groups including attending local U3A classes via Zoom during each lockdown. When we couldn’t attend church in person, we watched services broadcast on TV, which allowed us to remain connected to our faith.

My wife’s ardent support of North Melbourne continued unabated, watching every match broadcast on TV, which was better than nothing but definitely not as fulfilling as attending matches in person.

Our GP was very proactive in arranging Covid vaccinations, which gave us a level of confidence when we did need to venture out.

During May of this year, the melanoma had spread. This meant a period in ICU, followed by extended stays in hospital for ongoing treatment. I was making daily trips to the hospital, always concerned I could be turned back home. Later, in July, it was decided that further treatment would be ineffective, so respite care closer to home was arranged. With the lockdown, I had to have special provisions made with the care provider, to be allowed into the facility.

Sadly, my wife died at the end of July, the day after my 80th birthday. She passed away peacefully and pain free.

We had planned a “proper” funeral with a full service according to her instructions, but the lockdown meant a family-only burial at the cemetery. When the lockdown is over, we plan to have a proper send-off.

I am thankful for the help given by our three children in making all the arrangements for the funeral, and for the kindness and love given by neighbours, relatives and friends.

Sia Psicharis, owner of salon and skin clinic beautyologist in St Kilda

The past 18 months have been exhausting. I’ve experienced a loss of momentum, determination, drive, hope, purpose and value. I am trying hard to stay focused, optimistic and be kind to myself with cardiovascular activity, sunshine, fresh air, vitamins, sleep and laughter.

Drowning out negative noise has been beneficial. It is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I miss Dad’s hugs and lazy Sunday BBQs with my family. It’s been incredibly lonely.

My business has been forced to close for more than 280 days because of Covid. Businesses in my sector deal with debilitating skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis. These require constant support to manage flare ups, which leave clients feeling quite distressed, exacerbating the condition.

We have online skin consultations, which is limiting, but it is the only solution right now. I have tried to keep my team connected as much as possible. We are focusing on preparing for Christmas.

The same industries are on their knees again with very little support. Many of us in the industry do not qualify for support packages (and) are left to use our savings to survive.

We need transparency, encouragement and a clear national set goal. People need hope and purpose to survive – it’s been 18 months already.

I do question if, after 18 months, lockdowns are causing more distress than good.

Trisha Maginness, Bayside care worker and mother of three

I have been very fortunate this lockdown because as an essential worker my role hasn’t changed. I can still go to work five days a week and keep usual hours. I get to support people living with disabilities, which is a real privilege.

However, my children aren’t as lucky as I am. They’re feeling the burden of not working, of not studying, of not being at school. It’s hard to express how debilitating it can be to watch the people you love suffering quietly. They miss their friends and their social lives, and who can blame them?

Watching my family and the people I love struggling is hard. I also haven’t been able to see my parents, which is devastating. Most people will say they’re doing well; no one likes to show their weakness. Yet it’s becoming clear that a lot of people – especially young people – are definitely not okay.

The last two lockdowns have probably been the hardest for us. We’re tired and we just want some stability – people are losing patience, and lockdown fatigue has been kicking in for a while now.

Still, when we’re locked down, I find myself able to stick to a routine that usually seems impossible. I have time for my favourite things, like gardening and being with my family. My dog receives multiple walks a day. Obviously the toll of lockdown can be so heavy mentally, but I’ve actually found myself very emotionally grounded in this time. Daily events as seemingly small as dinner have become so special to me – it’s a time where my family comes together and talks.

Prior to Covid, I felt like I had to justify my worth through how busy my social life was. That feeling of pressure has lifted over lockdown, and I enjoy the freedom. Clearly isolation is so tough on everyone but I try to stay optimistic and look for the things I should be grateful for. In my case, I have my family, my job, and my passions.

Cassie Shaddock, 20, university student

They say your 20s are meant to be the best time of your life, right? I beg to differ. We’ve now spent almost two years of our youth in a pandemic that sees no end. I am a 20-year-old student, in the third and final year of my degree. I’ve recently moved from country Victoria to the city, seeking fulfilment during the final months of my teenage years. I should be spending this time celebrating my friends’ 21sts, going to events and the G to support the mighty Tigers.

I envisioned these months spent bar hopping and in pub crawls, playing sport, Sunday bottomless brunches or checking out local markets.

Before the pandemic, who would have guessed that we would spend the most significant years of our lives confined in the walls of our own bedrooms or lounge rooms?

Homes are now university lecture rooms, studies, workplaces, businesses and play host to endless Zoom meetings.

Our homes are meant to be relaxing and inviting, a place to kick your feet up after a long day of education, work or exercise.

Now, what seems to be the worst part about it? I, like so many others, live alone.

One of the worst things about the pandemic is the feeling of isolation and the deafening silence past 9pm, ensuring not to step out of home for a late-night run, or spontaneous McDonald’s trip.

In a practical sense, I try to keep a routine. I am an essential supermarket worker, online university has started again and I founded my own photography and content creation business last February.

Emotionally, there are many feelings at play that cause stress.

During these times everyone is supporting one another emotionally, but it’s important to put yourself first, maintain a routine, set goals and end each day feeling somewhat fulfilled.

No matter how hard it may be.

Originally published as Jeff Kennett warns Victoria’s lockdown could stretch into next year

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