Bollywood actor Ishaan Khatter, on Friday, dropped an underwater training video of himself. Taking to Instagram, Ishaan treated fans with his martial moves under the water. In the Video, the actor was seen practicing some hand moves. The video also showed some still where the actor was seen flaunting his toned arms. Sharing the video, he wrote, “Be water my friend.” As soon as the video was posted, the actor’s fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. Ishaan Khatter Speaks About the Changing Taste of Audiences when It Comes to Films.
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Ishaan’s mother Neelima Azeem dropped a comment. She wrote, “Oh wow. this is so amazing.” One of the users wrote, “So then you can punch water.” Another user called him “Aquaman.” Ishaan made his acting debut as a lead with Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi’s Beyond The Clouds (‘BTC’). He then managed to grab eyeballs with his stint in the Bollywood film Dhadak, which also marked the Bollywood debut of late Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor. Ishaan Khatter Birthday: All The Cameos Of The Talented Actor That Left Us Shocked!
He was recently seen in Phone Bhoot which was helmed by Gurmmeet Singh and written by Ravi Shankaran and Jasvinder Singh Bath and was released on November 4. Ishaan was also seen in a period war film, Pippa alongside Mrunal Thakur. Helmed by Raja Krishna Menon of Airlift fame, the film hit the theatres on December 9, 2022.