Is your ex orbiting your social media? 5 creative ways to make them stop

Every relationship creates a range of memories be it positive, negative or a combination of both. So, after a breakup, it’s natural for people to take time in moving on and processing the end of their relationship. Some people accept changes in life more quickly than others while many others may take years to come out of an unexpected event. After a breakup some people owing to their unhealthy coping mechanism may not be able to let go of their attachment towards their ex-partner. Many may resort to stalking on social media – commenting on or liking every post of their ex-partner, which may make the other person who’s trying to move on uncomfortable. Naturally, you do not want to hurt your ex but also send out a clear message that you are not interested in them and want to start the next phase of your life. (Also read: Are you groundhogging? 5 ways it ruins your dating life or relationships)

“Exes and stalking go hand-in-hand. It can be a momentary emotional failure or a planned invasion, the end result might not always be brightful. The stalking especially hampers those who have come out of a difficult relationship or who have excessive past baggage of their failed relationships” says Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India of Gleeden in an interview with HT Digital.

“Well, in today’s social media driven world it’s hard to stop a person from viewing your personal content but there are certainly a few ways that can be followed to keep your exes at bay,” she further adds.

The good news is that this doesn’t have to be a tedious process. In fact, it can even be an opportunity for you to get creative and make the most of this breakup.

Here are five creative ways you can keep your ex away from your social media while having fun in the process.

1. Create memorable experiences

Create content that captures every one of the entertaining and memorable experiences you’ve had lately. Whether that be hikes, beach days, brunch dates with friends or whatever else tickles your fancy.

2. Hide any lovey-dovey posts

It might be easier said than done but taking that extra step to hide those lovey-dovey posts can help protect your emotional health and make sure your ex doesn’t try to reach out based on something they saw online.

3. Choose photos without them

If you’re posting a throwback photo, pick one with friends instead of one with your ex in it. Use the red-eye tool to remove any photos of him or her that are already on hand. Listing photos of your ex in the ‘hamburger drawer’ of your memory is a great way to start blocking them out.

4. Sending a lasting message with block and delete

If you’re sick of seeing your ex’s name show up in all the wrong places, it’s time to block and delete away. You can send a clear message by blocking your ex on all the platforms you use. When they try to access your account, they’ll be met with an impenetrable wall.

5. Keeping your posts relevant and distraction-free

We sometimes hesitate but the reality is you don’t want your ex to be involved in your life anymore. But here’s the thing: you don’t need to turn into a hermit crab. You can still make your social media presence as fun and relevant as ever— while completely excluding your ex in the process.

“When it comes to separating yourself from your ex, the key is to remain firm and take proactive steps to protect yourself. Taking the steps we discussed here is a great way to make sure your ex is kept off your social media, and will help you to gain control of your online presence,” concludes Sybil.

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