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Is it your birthday between November 20 to 25? Check how the year will shape up | Astrology


Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 20: Influenced by number 2 and the Moon, you are highly confident, imaginative, practical, trustworthy and a simple person. Expecting mothers need to take care of their health. Time spent with friends would be worthwhile, as they would be supportive to your concerns. Meditation and Yoga will prove to highly rewarding especially for spiritual as well as physical gains. Investment in stocks and real estate would be highly beneficial. The month of August, October, December and April will be eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 21: Governed by number 3 and the planet Jupiter, you are imaginative, ambitious, dignified, jovial, generous and highly optimistic person. You have a unique way of doing almost everything, which makes life very interesting around you. Ancestral gains for some. Watch out from acquaintances who behave extra friendly. Friends will be supportive and helpful. New romance for those unattached adds a zing to their dull life. Increase in responsibility or a change in job for some. The months of June, September, November and February will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 22: Influenced by number 4 and the planet Uranus, you are smart, charming, methodical, systematic and possess an attractive personality. You are a straightforward person and you do not care about the consequences, but you need to check your tendency to behave jealous, dominating and arrogant at times.

This year you would see a remarkable improvement in your financial position. New investment opportunities would be alluring, but you need to invest with extreme care. Your budget could suffer a serious jolt if you do not take care of your expenses. You would follow a busy schedule, which would not let you spend enough time with your beloved. Those unsatisfied with their present job can look forward to some major changes in their career later in the year. The months of June, August, November and February would be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 23: Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury, you are practical, friendly, simple, accommodating person and possess a strong memory. You are very intelligent and have good command on many topics, some of which don’t even concern you. Enjoy the time you get to spend with this person. Matrimonial alliance for a few love birds cannot be ruled out. Despite few initial problems your financial position will become more stable as the year progresses. The months of May, August, November and March will be highly eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 24: Dominated by number 6 and the planet Venus, you are attractive, emotional, intelligent, creative, trustworthy and very simple person.

You will expect very highly from your beloved, which might be the reason for some problems at times. Your high confidence and morale will benefit you in your career. Understanding the needs of others would be essential to maintain the harmony at home. Property disputes or long pending matters may be decided amicably towards the end of the year. The months of July, September and January will be highly important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 25: Influenced by number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are ambitious, independent, sincere and an energetic person. Frequent journeys in-between the year would bring in pleasure and an opportunity to establish new and important contacts. This year you would see certain changes in your career that would oscillate your mood between extreme happiness and some displeasure. The months of July, November and February will be highly result oriented.

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