Is it your birthday between 1 to 15 December? Check how the year will shape up | Astrology

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 01 : Governed by number 1, and the Sun, you are authoritative, dignified, determined, assertive and a passionate person. This year success in whatever you do will keep you happy. Past investments will fetch you handsome returns and long pending judicial disputes will settle in your favour. Unexpected gains in cash and kind from near ones and friends through out the year. Stress and tension might lead to some minor health problems. The latter half of the year will see you getting closer to a spiritual person who will make a remarkable difference on your thinking and personality. The months of August, November, March and June will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 02 : Ruled by number 2 and the Moon, you are highly imaginative, practical, emotional, honest, simple and generous person. You love to have things of beauty around you. Investment in property will yield good returns in the long run. Relations with someone of the opposite sex will strengthen giving a refreshing and interesting twist to your life. Some exciting news from children will lift your spirits. Rise in your medical bills as health of your parents could cause tension and anxiety. Frequent and fruitful journeys will be undertaken bringing monetary gains and help you build up long lasting relationships. The months of February, May, October and December seem to be highly eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 03: Ruled by number 3 and the planet Jupiter.. You are energetic, practical, enthusiastic, authoritative and trustworthy person. Financially this promises to be a highly lucrative year. New contract or partnership will take shape, lifting your moral and confidence. Investment in stocks and real estate recommended. Chronic patients need to take preventive medication. Drive carefully, especially during the night. Businessmen dealing in trading and export will benefit. Students will find this period highly exciting, adventurous and full of good opportunities. The months of Dec, August and January seem to be important and significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 04: Ruled by number 4 and the planet Uranus, you are active, energetic, ambitious, methodical, systematic and a reliable person. Health definitely would need more attention. Regular exercise and meditation would immensely help you this year. Your investments will multiply and yield good profits. Unexpected gains from speculation or real estate may not be ruled out. Children may cause some dissatisfaction and spouse will need more of your attention. The months of January, Dec & November will prove to be significant and result oriented.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 05: Influenced by number 5 and the planet Mercury, you are strong, practical, shrewd, diplomatic, active and sincere person. A few journeys are likely to take place, resulting in financial gains as well as an opportunity to meet imminent and influential people. Students will perform remarkably well in academics and sports. Real estate matters will take a shape. Renovation or beautification of the house or purchase of the luxurious items may be on the anvil. The months of March, Dec, October & December will be eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 06: Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus, you are smart, talented, energetic, attractive, accommodating, diplomatic & highly practical person. Disputes related with property will get resolved. Children will bring you good news, but at the same time they’ll demand more attention. Take care of your health. A pilgrimage is on your cards later in the year, providing you with solace and mental comfort. The months of February, April, September, December will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 07: Influenced by number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are honest, affectionate, creative, sensitive and a very emotional person. Weeding bells for some and others find healthy period of romance. Property transaction, construction or renovation would be high on your agenda. Avoid any kind of confrontation and things that lead to tension and stress. Your family front needs to be handled carefully, otherwise you may face resentment from certain family members who expect lot from you. The months of March, September and December will prove to be important and eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 08:

Influenced by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You are energetic, practical, talented, disciplined, methodical and authoritative person. New assignments and opportunities are certain this year bringing you financial gains. Those suffering from piles and blood pressure need to be extra careful about their health. Marital front seems comfortable despite moments of arguments and disagreements. Your creative mind will make you popular amongst your friends and in social gatherings. The months of January, April & October will prove to be good months for you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 09: Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars. You are intelligent, energetic, confident, enthusiastic and courageous person. This year the organization you work for would undergo many changes. These would be highly beneficial for you, but also alter your daily routine. Businessmen would find attractive prepositions to make quick money. Expecting mother’s need to take extra care of their health. Proper medication and diet should not be ignored. Financial gains would be better, but you also need to save more than last year. The months of February, September and November will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 10: Influenced by number 1 and the Sun, you are authoritative, confident, determined, responsible and creative person. This year you need to be conservative in your spending and avoid useless expenditure on luxuries and comforts. The two of you would develop a deeper understanding and respect for each other. You can expect a lot from your family members and you won’t be disappointed. You would also have a very memorable and romantic time with your beloved. The months of March, July and December seem highly promising.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 11: Ruled by number 2 and the Moon, you are highly imaginative, practical, emotional, honest, simple and generous person. Be sure to check your work before you give it to your seniors. Gains from property transaction, investments and gifts cannot be ruled out. It would not be an easy period as many things would not be in your favour, but support and help from friends and family members would induce new energy into you and make things much comfortable than they actually might be. The months of January, August and October will remain significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 12: Governed by number 3 and the planet Jupiter, you are bold, ambitious, dignified, courageous and intelligent person. As a result, you would become a important representative for the organization. You would be in the limelight at social gathering. You would make new friends and important contacts. Health seems fine but even then, it is recommended that you take preventive medication People would look upto you for inspiration and decisions.. The months of May, August and December will prove to be highly important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 13: Influenced by number 4 and the planet Uranus, you are smart, confident, energetic, systematic, reliable and a studious person. This year professional advancement would depend on your ability to handle important responsibilities. Be extra careful while lending money and take extra care of your jewelry, precious gifts and items. Your significant other would be a real asset to you. This person would make your daily life comforting and enjoyable. Distant pilgrimage is certain later in the year. The months of February, April, September and November will be important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 14: Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury, you are active, smart, sensible, practical, systematic and highly diplomatic person. Foreign trips are likely for some later in the year. Your spouse will be cooperative through out the year and would shower love and affection. Marriage proposals would materialize for some. You might not receive expected financial gains for your hard work, but appreciation and seniority are certainly yours. The months of March, Dec and October will prove to be important and significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 15: Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus, you are generous, practical, cooperative, accommodating and a broad-minded person. This year you would enjoy meeting new people and visiting new places. Your creativity would be at its best and you would have energy to solve any problem with conviction and dedication. You should do things that you both enjoy to strengthen the existing bond. Family members will stand by you and provide you with love and affection. Your beloved would be your major source of inspirations. The months of January, July and September will be highly eventful.


    Manisha Koushik has more than 12+ years of experience. She gives astrological advice related to career, health, finance, business, relationship and more. She is known to combine the principles of Vedic and Western astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Vastu and Fengshui. She has authored many books and is a popular face for astrology TV shows.
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